首页> 外文期刊>Biochemistry >Structure and function in rhodopsin: effects of disulfide cross-links in the cytoplasmic face of rhodopsin on transducin activation and phosphorylation by rhodopsin kinase.

Structure and function in rhodopsin: effects of disulfide cross-links in the cytoplasmic face of rhodopsin on transducin activation and phosphorylation by rhodopsin kinase.


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Six rhodopsin mutants containing disulfide cross-links between different cytoplasmic regions were prepared: disulfide bond 1, between Cys65 (interhelical loop I-II) and Cys316 (end of helix VII); disulfide bond 2, between Cys246 (end of helix VI) and Cys312 (end of helix VII); disulfide bond 3, between Cys139 (end of helix III) and Cys248 (end of helix VI); disulfide bond 4, between Cys139 (end of helix III) and Cys250 (end of helix VI); disulfide bond 5, between Cys135 (end of helix III) and Cys250 (end of helix VI); and disulfide bond 6, between Cys245 (end of helix VI) and Cys338 (C-terminus). The effects of local restrictions caused by the cross-links on transducin (G(T)) activation and phosphorylation by rhodopsin kinase (RK) following illumination were studied. Disulfide bond 1 showed little effect on either G(T) activation or phosphorylation by RK, suggesting that the relative motion between interhelical loop I-II and helix VII is not crucial for recognition by G(T) or by RK. In contrast, disulfide bonds 2-5 abolished both G(T) activation and phosphorylation by RK. Disulfide bond 6 resulted in enhanced G(T) activation but abolished phosphorylation by RK, suggesting the structure recognized by G(T) was stabilized in this mutant by cross-linking of the C-terminus to the cytoplasmic end of helix VI. Thus, the consequences of the disulfide cross-links depended on the location of the restriction. In particular, relative motions of helix VI, with respect to both helices III and VII upon light activation, are required for recognition of rhodopsin by both G(T) and RK. Further, the conformational changes in the cytoplasmic face that are necessary for protein-protein interactions need not be cooperative, and may be segmental.
机译:制备了六个在不同细胞质区域之间包含二硫键交联的视紫红质突变体:Cys65(螺旋间环I-II)和Cys316(螺旋VII的末端)之间的二硫键1, Cys246(螺旋VI的末端)和Cys312(螺旋VII的末端)之间的二硫键2; Cys139(螺旋III的末端)和Cys248(螺旋VI的末端)之间的二硫键3; Cys139(螺旋III的末端)和Cys250(螺旋VI的末端)之间的二硫键4; Cys135(螺旋III的末端)和Cys250(螺旋VI的末端)之间的二硫键5; Cys245(螺旋VI的末端)和Cys338(C末端)之间的二硫键6。研究了交联引起的局部限制对光照后视紫红质激酶(RK)的转导蛋白(G(T))激活和磷酸化的影响。二硫键1对RK的G(T)活化或磷酸化作用几乎没有影响,表明螺旋间环I-II和螺旋VII之间的相对运动对于G(T)或RK的识别并不是至关重要的。相反,二硫键2-5消除了RK的G(T)活化和磷酸化作用。二硫键6导致增强的G(T)活化,但被RK取消了磷酸化,这表明通过该C末端与螺旋VI的胞质末端交联,该突变体中G(T)识别的结构得以稳定。因此,二硫键交联的结果取决于限制的位置。尤其是,对于G(T)和RK识别视紫红质,需要在光激活后相对于螺旋III和VII螺旋VI的相对运动。此外,蛋白质-蛋白质相互作用所必需的胞质面的构象变化不需要协同作用,并且可以是分段的。



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