首页> 外文期刊>Cancer epidemiology, biomarkers and prevention: A publication of the American Association for Cancer Research >Breast cancer risk and exposure in early life to polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons using total suspended particulates as a proxy measure.

Breast cancer risk and exposure in early life to polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons using total suspended particulates as a proxy measure.


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Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) are ubiquitous in the environment. We hypothesized that early life exposure to PAHs may have particular importance in the etiology of breast cancer. We conducted a population-based, case-control study of ambient exposure to PAHs in early life in relation to the risk of breast cancer. Total suspended particulates (TSP), a measure of ambient air pollution, was used as a proxy for PAHs exposure. Cases (n = 1,166) were women with histologically confirmed, primary, incident breast cancer. Controls (n = 2,105) were frequency matched by age, race, and county of residence to cases. Annual average TSP concentrations (1959-1997) by location were obtained from the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation for Erie and Niagara Counties. Based on the monitor readings, prediction maps of TSP concentrations were generated with ArcGIS 8.0 (ESRI, Inc., Redlands, CA) using inverse distance squared weighted interpolation. Unconditional logistic regression was used to estimate odds ratios and 95% confidence intervals. In postmenopausal women, exposure to high concentrations of TSP (>140 microg/m(3)) at birth was associated with an adjusted odds ratio of 2.42 (95% confidence interval, 0.97-6.09) compared with exposure to low concentrations (<84 microg/m(3)). However, in premenopausal women, where exposures were generally lower, the results were inconsistent with our hypothesis and in some instances were suggestive of a reduction in the risk of breast cancer. Our study suggests that exposure in early life to high levels of PAHs may increase the risk of postmenopausal breast cancer; however, other confounders related to geography cannot be ruled out.
机译:多环芳烃(PAH)在环境中无处不在。我们假设,PAHs的早期暴露在乳腺癌的病因中可能特别重要。我们进行了一项基于人群的病例对照研究,研究了婴儿期早期环境中PAHs暴露与乳腺癌风险的关系。总悬浮颗粒物(TSP),一种测量环境空气污染的指标,可用来代替PAHs暴露。病例(n = 1,166)是经组织学证实为原发性乳腺癌的女性。对照(n = 2,105)的发生频率与年龄,种族和居住县/县匹配。各地的TSP年平均浓度(1959-1997年)是从纽约州伊利和尼亚加拉县环境保护部获得的。根据监视器的读数,使用反距离平方加权插值,使用ArcGIS 8.0(ESRI,Inc.,Redlands,CA)生成TSP浓度的预测图。使用无条件逻辑回归来估计比值比和95%置信区间。在绝经后妇女中,出生时接触高浓度TSP(> 140 microg / m(3))与低浓度(<84)的校正比值比为2.42(95%置信区间,0.97-6.09)。 microg / m(3))。但是,在绝经前妇女中,其暴露水平通常较低,其结果与我们的假设不一致,并且在某些情况下暗示乳腺癌风险降低。我们的研究表明,在生命早期暴露于高水平的PAHs可能会增加绝经后乳腺癌的风险。但是,不能排除其他与地理有关的混杂因素。



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