首页> 外文期刊>Medical decision making: An international journal of the Society for Medical Decision Making >Missing celiac disease in family medicine: the importance of hypothesis generation.

Missing celiac disease in family medicine: the importance of hypothesis generation.


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PURPOSE: Delays in diagnosing celiac disease average 13 years. We aimed to identify reasons for misdiagnosis in family medicine. BACKGROUND: During a larger study on diagnosis, a scenario describing a 30-year-old female with 3-month abdominal pain, diarrhea, and microcytic anemia consistent with celiac disease was presented on a computer to 84 family physicians. Their information gathering and diagnoses were recorded. Fifty physicians misdiagnosed, and 38 of these took part in "stimulated recall'': they were asked to recall their hypotheses and inferences step by step, aided by a record of their information gathering. They were unaware of the misdiagnosis. ANALYSES: Transcripts were analyzed to identify whether celiac disease was mentioned and how information was interpreted. Two raters independently assessed information interpretation against the published evidence (kappa = 0.85). RESULTS: Physicians did not change their diagnoses during stimulated recall. Only 10 physicians mentioned celiac disease as a hypothesis (26%). "Diarrhea'' and "pain relief by defecation,'' consistent with both celiac disease and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), were only linked to IBS. Absence of weight loss'' led to rejecting celiac disease, although weight loss is characteristic of advanced disease. A complete blood count was requested as a routine test and not specifically for celiac disease. Thus, the unexpected result of "microcytic anemia,'' inconsistent with IBS, did not trigger the correct diagnosis. CONCLUSIONS: Most physicians never considered celiac disease. Information inconsistent with the favorite IBS diagnosis was overlooked. Reviewing the case did not prompt physicians to consider celiac disease, re-evaluate the evidence, or rethink the IBS diagnosis.
机译:目的:腹腔疾病的诊断延迟平均为13年。我们旨在确定家庭医学中误诊的原因。背景:在一项较大的诊断研究中,向84位家庭医生介绍了一种描述30岁女性患有3个月腹痛,腹泻和与乳糜泻相一致的小细胞性贫血的情况。他们的信息收集和诊断被记录下来。五十名医生被误诊,其中38名参加了“刺激性回忆”:要求他们在收集信息的记录的帮助下,逐步回忆自己的假设和推论,他们没有意识到误诊的原因。分析以确定是否提到了腹腔疾病以及如何解释信息。两位评估者根据已发表的证据独立评估了信息解释(kappa = 0.85)。结果:医师在刺激性回忆中并未改变诊断,只有10位医生提到了腹腔疾病。假设(26%)。“腹泻”和“排便止痛”与乳糜泻和肠易激综合征(IBS)一致,仅与IBS相关。缺少体重”导致拒绝乳糜泻,尽管体重减轻是晚期疾病的特征,但仍要求常规检查而不是腹腔疾病的全血细胞计数。与IBS不一致的t“小细胞性贫血”未触发正确的诊断。结论:大多数医生从未考虑过乳糜泻。与最喜欢的IBS诊断不一致的信息被忽略了。对该病例进行复查并未提示医生考虑进行乳糜泻,重新评估证据或重新考虑IBS诊断。



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