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Markets in USA & Canada


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Steelmakers have tried to persuade their customers that they would have to accept more rounds of price increases, beginning in the second quarter, to enable them to recoup the much increased costs of raw materials in 2005 supply contracts. The iron ore rise of 71 percent plus is only the most egregious in a list including energy, metallurgical coal and ferro-alloys. Customers looked at their own businesses, and held back from buying. After weeks of lifeless order books and low levels of end-user interest, US coil prices have dropped significantly. Final figures for 2004 show just how strong the general economy was in the USA, especially in the important to steelmakers. For example, spending on machine tools - an indicator of both activity and investment in metallic engineering - topped 3,000m dollars, a 43.6 percent advance on 2003. The final AISI figures for the year, published in late February, show how good 2004 was for US steelmakers' sales - deliveries were 5.8 percent higher than in 2003. Service centres took 4.6 percent more than in the previous year, the vehicle industry and the construction sector both increased off-take by 4.9 percent, steel tonnage going to the tools and industrial equipment sectors - within which stands the machine tool business - rose by 20.2 percent.
机译:钢铁制造商试图说服客户,从第二季度开始,他们将不得不接受更多轮价格上涨,以使他们能够弥补2005年供应合同中原材料成本的大幅上涨。铁矿石涨幅超过71%,在包括能源,冶金煤和铁合金的清单中仅是最惊人的。客户看了自己的生意,并拒绝购买。经过数周毫无生气的订单和最终用户的低兴趣之后,美国卷材价格已大幅下跌。 2004年的最终数据显示了美国的总体经济实力,尤其是对于钢铁制造商而言。例如,用于机床的支出(即活动和对金属工程投资的指标)达到了30亿美元,比2003年增长了43.6%。今年2月下旬发布的AISI年度最终数据显示2004年美国钢铁制造商的销售-交付量比2003年增长了5.8%。服务中心的收入比上年增长了4.6%,汽车工业和建筑业的承购量均增长了4.9%,用于工具和工业的钢铁吨位机床行业中的装备行业增长了20.2%。



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