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Natural Gas Markets in USA and Canada: Opportunities and Challenges




Natural Gas markets in USA and Canada are among the most developed of the world.Together, they account for about one fourth of the global gas production/consumption. Currently,USA is the second biggest producer and importer of natural gas, and Canada is the third largestproducer and exporter. Those markets experienced a relevant growth through the last decades.Its consumption spread through various segments in economy, reaching a share of about onefourth of the primary energy mix in those countries.This rapid expansion brought concerns over the sustainability of natural gas’ reservesproduction in the region. By the end of the nineties, R/P ratio in those countries fell to levels below10 years. The sense that the region would have to import increasing volumes of natural gas led tothe construction of several regasification terminals along the coast soon after.This decline of R/P ratio became to change in the 2000′s, with the development ofunconventional resources. Technological developments in horizontal drilling and multi-stagefracturing made economically feasible the exploitation of natural gas from rock formations that areusually more difficult and expensive to produce (unconventional), such as Coal Bed deposits, TightSands and Shales. This brought a new perspective for the availability of natural gas in the region.However, with the severe economic downturn faced by those economies in 2008 and 2009,natural gas prices have fallen drastically. Many wells that were being explored were notcompleted. Additional LNG regasification terminals were postponed or cancelled, due to idlecapacity in the existing terminals.Despite the recent crisis, natural gas industry has experienced some important changes inthose countries, that could play a structural shift in those markets, in terms of increasing its supplyand reducing its dependency from other regions.Within this context, the article intends to present the main aspects of the natural gasmarkets in the USA and Canada and discuss what are the more significant Opportunities andChallenges related to this energy source in those countries, in the medium/long term.
机译:美国和加拿大的天然气市场是世界上最发达的市场之一。 它们合起来占全球天然气生产/消费量的约四分之一。目前, 美国是天然气的第二大生产国和进口国,加拿大是第三大 生产者和出口商。在过去的几十年中,这些市场经历了相关的增长。 它的消费遍及经济的各个领域,约占一个份额 这些国家的主要能源结构中有四分之一。 如此迅速的扩张引起了人们对天然气储量可持续性的担忧 该地区的生产。到90年代末,这些国家的R / P比率降至低于 10年。该地区将不得不进口越来越多的天然气的感觉导致了 此后不久便在沿海建造了几个再气化码头。 随着2000年的发展,R / P比率的这种下降在2000年代发生了变化。 非常规资源。水平钻井和多阶段技术发展 压裂在经济上是可行的,可以开采来自岩层的天然气 通常较难生产且成本较高(非常规),例如煤层气藏,致密 沙滩和页岩。这为该地区的天然气供应带来了新的前景。 但是,由于这些经济体在2008年和2009年面临严重的经济衰退, 天然气价格大幅下跌。许多正在勘探的井没有 完全的。由于闲置,其他LNG再气化站被推迟或取消 现有终端的容量。 尽管最近发生了危机,但天然气行业经历了一些重要的变化。 这些国家,在增加供应方面可能会在这些市场中发生结构性转变 并减少其对其他地区的依赖。 在此背景下,本文旨在介绍天然气的主要方面 美国和加拿大的市场,并讨论什么是更重要的机会和 从中/长期看,这些国家的这种能源面临的挑战。



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