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Prices bounce on developments in China


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Last week the markets had a lot of news to digest and that led to a choppy reboundin prices. Aluminium, along with many other base metals, started to move higheron Tuesday on the back of reports that Chinese producers had asked the CNIA to lobbyBeijing to buy 900,000 tonnes of aluminium. The subsequent rallies were then given afurther boost by reports that producers had asked regulators to investigate “maliciousshort-selling” on the SHFE, which sparked short-covering by funds. By Friday, thealuminium price had rebounded to Rmb 10,405/tonne and LME three-month priceshad rallied to $1,528/tonne from a low of $1,435.50/tonne on November 23. It remains tobe seen whether the Chinese government does step in to buy aluminium, or does start aprobe into the allegation of short-selling (which could lead to shorts being closed and aban on speculative shorting), but for now shorts are likely to remain nervous.
机译:上周,市场上有很多新闻要消化,这导致价格大幅反弹。铝和许多其他贱金属在周二开始走高,原因是有报道称中国生产商已要求CNIA游说北京购买90万吨铝。随后,由于生产商要求监管机构调查上海期货交易所“恶意卖空”的报道,进一步提振了股市,这引发了资金的空头回补。到周五,铝价已反弹至Rmb 10,405 / tonne,LME三个月价格已从11月23日的低点1,435.50 / tonne反弹至1,528 / tonne。中国政府是否确实会介入购买铝,或确实开始涉嫌卖空(这可能导致卖空被关闭并禁止投机性卖空),但现在看来,卖空可能仍会紧张。



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