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Short Article The Use of Mercury against Pediculosis in the Renaissance: The Case of Ferdinand II of Aragon, King of Naples, 1467-96


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The hair samples of Ferdinand II of Aragon (1467-1496), King of Naples, whose mummy is preserved in the Basilica of San Domenico Maggiore in Naples, showed a high content of mercury, with a value of 827ppm. Furthermore, examination using a stereomi-croscope and a scanning electron microscope (SEM) of head and pubic hairs of Ferdinand II, revealed a lice infestation. The reasons for the massive presence of the mercury in the king's hair are discussed and contemporary literature regarding the use of this metal in medical therapies and in cosmetic practices is analysed. As a result, the high value of mercury in the hair of Ferdinand II can be attributed to antipe-diculosis therapy, applied as a topic medicament. This case represents an important finding for the history of medicine, because demonstrates that in the Renaissance mercury was applied locally not only to treat syphilis, as well attested by direct and indirect sources, but also to prevent or eliminate lice infestation.
机译:那不勒斯国王阿拉贡(Ferdinand II)阿拉贡(1467-1496)的头发样本的木乃伊保存在那不勒斯的圣多梅尼科·马焦雷大教堂中,其中汞含量很高,值为827ppm。此外,使用立体显微镜和扫描电子显微镜(SEM)对费迪南德二世的头和阴毛进行检查,发现虱子为患。讨论了国王头发中大量存在汞的原因,并分析了有关在医学治疗和美容实践中使用这种金属的当代文献。结果,费迪南德二世的头发中的汞含量高,可以归因于用作主题药物的抗脚疱病治疗。该病例代表了医学史上的重要发现,因为它表明,在文艺复兴时期,汞不仅在本地用于治疗梅毒,而且直接和间接来源均得到证实,而且还可以预防或消除虱子侵扰。



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