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Complication rates between local and referral patients undergoing vaginal hysterectomy at an academic medical center.


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OBJECTIVE: To explore the influence of referral bias on complication rates after vaginal hysterectomy. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Community-based (local) and referral patients had benign indications and underwent vaginal hysterectomy from January 1, 2004, through December 31, 2005. We retrospectively evaluated patient characteristics, surgical procedures, and complications that occurred within 9 weeks after the index surgery. Complications were defined as admission to the intensive care unit, reoperation, hospital readmission, or medical intervention. RESULTS: Of 736 patients, 361 (49.0%) were referred from outside the immediate 7-county area. Compared with local patients, referral patients were older (mean age, 54.5 vs 49.3 years; P<.001) and had lower body mass index (mean, 27.6 vs 28.7 kg/m2; P=.02). More referral patients had cardiovascular disease (4.2% vs 0.5%; P=.001) and prior myocardial infarctions (1.9% vs 0%; P=.007). Referral patients also had higher American Society of Anesthesiologists scores (score of 3 or 4, 12.6% vs 7.0%; P=.01) and longer length of hospitalization (mean, 2.6 vs 2.2 days; P<.001), and more underwent pelvic reconstruction (52.1% vs 41.3%; P=.004). Fewer referral patients had private insurance (74.5% vs 89.6%; P<.001). Despite these differences, overall complication rates were similar for referral and local patients (33.4% vs 29.7%; P=.28). CONCLUSION: Although referral patients had more comorbid conditions than local patients, the groups had similar complication rates after vaginal hysterectomy.
机译:目的:探讨转诊偏倚对阴道子宫切除术后并发症发生率的影响。患者与方法:从2004年1月1日至2005年12月31日,社区(本地)和转诊患者具有良性适应症,并接受了阴道子宫切除术。我们回顾性评估了患者的特征,手术程序和术后9周内发生的并发症。索引手术。并发症定义为重症监护病房,再次手术,住院再入院或医疗干预。结果:在736例患者中,有361例(49.0%)从紧邻7县的地区以外转诊。与本地患者相比,转诊患者年龄更大(平均年龄,分别为54.5和49.3岁; P <.001)和较低的体重指数(平均,分别为27.6和28.7 kg / m2; P = .02)。转诊的患者中,有心血管疾病(4.2%vs. 0.5%; P = .001)和先前的心肌梗塞(1.9%vs 0%; P = .007)。转诊患者的美国麻醉医师学会评分也更高(3分或4分,分别为12.6%和7.0%; P = .01)和更长的住院时间(平均为2.6 vs 2.2天; P <.001),并且接受了更多的治疗骨盆重建(52.1%vs 41.3%; P = .004)。转诊患者拥有私人保险的人数更少(74.5%比89.6%; P <.001)。尽管存在这些差异,转诊和本地患者的总并发症发生率相似(33.4%vs 29.7%; P = .28)。结论:尽管转诊患者的合并症比局部患者多,但阴道子宫切除术后的并发症发生率相似。



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