首页> 外文期刊>Cancer epidemiology, biomarkers and prevention: A publication of the American Association for Cancer Research >The I1307K adenomatous polyposis coli gene variant does not contribute in the assessment of the risk for colorectal cancer in Ashkenazi Jews.

The I1307K adenomatous polyposis coli gene variant does not contribute in the assessment of the risk for colorectal cancer in Ashkenazi Jews.


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Ashkenazi Jews with the I1307K adenomatous polyposis coli gene variant were suggested to confer a higher risk for colorectal cancer (CRC). We assessed the clinical importance of this polymorphism in Israeli Jews at average and elevated risk for CRC. Among 1,370 consecutive subjects that were examined, 975 Ashkenazi Jews were stratified into those at average risk (no personal or family history of colorectal neoplasia) and those at high risk. DNA was obtained from peripheral leukocytes and amplified by PCR, with primers designed to detect the I1307K variant. Overall, I1307K polymorphism was found in 7.1% (9.1% among Ashkenazi and 1.7% among non-Ashkenazi Jews). The carrier rate was 8.3 and 9.3% in average and high-risk Ashkenazim, respectively (P = 0.65). The overall odds ratio for neoplasia in carriers was 1.43 (95% confidence interval, 0.89-2.30). Age, gender, and the histopathological features of adenomas and cancers did not differ between carriers and noncarriers. No interaction on the CRC risk was found between I1307K variant and lifestyle modifiers (such as cigarette smoking, alcohol consumption, high body mass index, low physical activity, and vitamins/antioxidant intake). The I1307K adenomatous polyposis coli gene variant is not an important marker for increased risk for CRC. It confirms previous reports of a slight nonsignificant increase (OR, 1.4) in the risk of CRC in these carriers. There is no interaction effect on the risk of colorectal neoplasia between the I1307K variant and various lifestyle risk factors. The usual recommended screening and surveillance strategies should be used for carriers of this polymorphism.
机译:具有I1307K腺瘤性息肉病大肠杆菌基因变异的Ashkenazi犹太人被建议赋予大肠癌(CRC)更高的风险。我们评估了这种多态性在以色列犹太人中平均的临床重要性以及CRC风险升高。在接受检查的1,370名连续受试者中,将975名Ashkenazi犹太人分为高危人群(无大肠癌的个人或家族史)和高危人群。从外周血白细胞中获得DNA并通过PCR扩增,并设计用于检测I1307K变体的引物。总体而言,I1307K多态性的发现率为7.1%(阿什肯纳兹族为9.1%,非阿什肯纳兹族犹太人为1​​.7%)。平均载病率是8.3%,高风险载病率是9.3%(P = 0.65)。携带者瘤形成的总比值比为1.43(95%置信区间0.89-2.30)。在携带者和非携带者之间,腺瘤和癌症的年龄,性别以及组织病理学特征没有差异。在I1307K变异体和生活方式修饰剂(例如吸烟,饮酒,高体重指数,低体力活动和维生素/抗氧化剂摄入量)之间,未发现CRC风险有相互作用。 I1307K腺瘤性息肉病大肠杆菌基因变异不是增加CRC风险的重要标志。它证实了先前的报道,这些携带者的CRC风险略有增加(OR,1.4)。 I1307K变体与各种生活方式风险因素之间对结直肠瘤形成的风险没有相互作用。对于这种多态性的携带者,应使用通常推荐的筛查和监测策略。



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