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Lining solutions quickly return corroded tanks to service


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When protecting two carbon steel (CS) neutralization tanks against corrosion and quickly returning them to service was a priority for a beer brewery in Germany, the solution was to apply a protective epoxy lining and accelerate the cure time by filling the tanks with hot air. The brewery's neutralization tanks are inspected every three years. During a scheduled inspection in 2011, the brewery discovered that the neutralization tanks were experiencing extensive internal corrosion damage after 60 years in service as a result of deteriorated internal linings, explains Christian Warga with Karl Schumacher GmbH & Co. (Essen, Germany), the coatings contractor for the project. Warga comments that the customer had changed the cleaning material used in the production processes. Addi-tionally, oxygen was bubbled throughout the tank for neutralization.
机译:当保护两个碳钢(CS)中和罐免受腐蚀并使它们迅速恢复使用是德国啤酒厂的首要任务时,解决方案是涂上保护性环氧衬里并通过向罐中注入热空气来加快固化时间。啤酒厂的中和罐每三年检查一次。在2011年的定期检查中,该啤酒厂发现,由于内衬层变薄,中和罐在使用60年后遭受了广泛的内部腐蚀破坏,德国卡尔·舒马赫有限公司(Karl Schumacher GmbH&Co.)的Christian Warga解释说。该项目的涂料承包商。 Warga评论说客户改变了生产过程中使用的清洁材料。另外,氧气通入整个罐中进行中和。



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