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Property man takes over at UKC


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UK Coal chief executive Gerry Spindler is stepping down from the group's board and will leave it completely by the end of the year. He is to be replaced by property director Jon Lloyd on September 1~(st). For obvious reasons, Coal UK's initial reaction to the news was along the lines of, 'well that's it then, for the mining side of the business'. However, the company has been very keen to emphasise the strength of commitment that UKC retains for mining. Spindler's reign began in October 2004, at a time when UKC's mining performance was plumbing new depths, with Selby about to breathe its last. With the share price slipping, Spindler's predecessor Gordon McPhie found himself out of a job, carrying the can for under-investment in the company's mines and the failure of an efficiency raising programme. Spindler was brought in, and paraded to the City, as a man who knew mining and could set that side of the business straight. He agreed to join on a three year deal and set himself the task of stopping the cashflow haemorrhage and of raising the share price. He never completely got on top of the mining tasks, with UKC's eggs all in an at times worryingly fragile looking Daw Mill basket, but look at that share price.
机译:英国煤炭公司首席执行官盖瑞·斯宾德勒(Gerry Spindler)将从集团董事会辞职,并将在年底前完全离开董事会。他将于9月1日(日)由财产总监乔恩·劳埃德(Jon Lloyd)接任。出于显而易见的原因,英国煤炭公司对该消息的最初反应是,“到那时,对于企业的采矿方而言”。但是,该公司一直非常希望强调UKC保留的采矿承诺的实力。 Spindler的统治始于2004年10月,当时UKC的采矿业绩不断攀升,Selby即将迎来最后一刻。随着股价的下跌,斯宾德勒的前任戈登·麦克菲(Gordon McPhie)失业,导致公司矿山投资不足以及提高效率计划失败。斯平德勒被带入并游行到纽约市,他是一个懂采矿的人,可以直面生意。他同意加入一项为期三年的协议,并为自己设定了阻止现金流大出血和提高股价的任务。他从来没有完全完成采矿任务,带着UKC的鸡蛋有时看上去令人担忧,而Daw Mill篮却很脆弱,但要看那只股票的价格。



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