首页> 外文期刊>Materials Science and Technology: MST: A publication of the Institute of Metals >Forging behaviour and properties of metal matrix composites based on mechanically alloyed Al-Mg-Li alloy

Forging behaviour and properties of metal matrix composites based on mechanically alloyed Al-Mg-Li alloy


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A range of Al-Mg-Li-C MMCs (25 vol.-% of 3μm SiC particles) were produced by mechanicalalloying and powder processing at Aerospace Metal Composites, Farnborough. Upset forging trialswere conducted at 350 and 550℃ and 0.01 and 0.1 s{sup}-1 No SiC particle cracking or wedgecracking at grain boundary triple points was observed. Forging at 550℃ caused some edge crackingand a coarser grain structure. Large billets of varying composition were forged to~15 mm thickplate at 350℃ and 0.01 s{sup}1 or 550℃ and 0.1 s{sup}-1 Monotonic testing showed the MMCsto exhibit high stiffnesses at moderate strength levels but rather low ductility and fracture toughness.Significant strengthening was found to accrue from dispersion hardening (C content) and solidsolution strengthening (Mg and Li solutes). A link was found between lower proof stress and coarsergrain structure after forging at 550℃. Fracture toughness K{sub}(1c) was found to decrease withincreasing yield strength which was attributed to higher strain concentrations in the smaller crack tipplastic zone.
机译:通过机械合金化和粉末加工在Farnborough的Aerospace Metal Composites生产了一系列Al-Mg-Li-C MMC(占3μmSiC颗粒的25%(体积))。在350和550℃以及0.01和0.1 s {sup} -1下进行了set锻实验,未在晶界三点观察到SiC颗粒裂纹或楔形裂纹。在550℃下锻造会导致一些边缘开裂和较粗糙的晶粒结构。在350℃和0.01 s {sup} 1或550℃和0.1 s {sup} -1的情况下,将各种成分不同的大型坯料锻制成15mm厚的钢板,单调试验表明MMC在中等强度水平下表现出较高的刚度,但延展性较低。断裂韧性。发现弥散硬化(碳含量)和固溶强化(镁和锂溶质)产生了显着的强化作用。在550℃锻造后,发现其下屈服应力与粗晶组织之间存在联系。发现断裂韧性K {sub}(1c)在屈服强度内降低,这归因于在较小的裂纹尖端塑性区中较高的应变浓度。



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