首页> 外文期刊>Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences >Mechanisms underlying amphipod responses to zebra mussel (Dreissenapolymorpha) invasion and implications for fish-amphipod interactions

Mechanisms underlying amphipod responses to zebra mussel (Dreissenapolymorpha) invasion and implications for fish-amphipod interactions


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We examined mechanisms underlying increased amphipod abundance after zebra mussels (Dreissena polymorpha) invaded Lake Erie. We conducted field substrate preference experiments to test the hypotheses that amphipods prefer (i) high-complexity substrates over low-complexity substrates and (or) (ii) substrates with high mussel feces and pseudofeces deposition over substrates with low deposition. We measured amphipod preference for bare rock, live mussels, and dead mussels in spring (May 1996) and summer (July and August 1995, June and August 1996). Habitat complexity affected amphipod habitat preference, and preference varied seasonally. In spring, amphipod density was highest on dead mussels, but the response was highly variable. In midsummer (June and July), amphipods showed no substrate preference. In late summer (August), amphipods consistently preferred high-complexity mussel substrates. Amphipods never preferred low-complexity substrates. We also evaluated effects of zebra mussel presence on fish-amphipod interactions in laboratory feeding trials. We tested the hypothesis that mussel presence decreases bluegill (Lepomis macrochirus) and yellow perch (Perca flavescens) predation on amphipods. Predation by bluegill but not yellow perch was significantly lowered by mussel presence. Our results support the hypothesis that the increase in amphipods upon zebra mussel invasion is due to increased habitat complexity, possibly by reducing predation risk. However, the effects of zebra mussel on fish-amphipod interactions depended on predator species. [References: 38]
机译:我们研究了斑马贻贝(Dreissena polymorpha)入侵伊利湖后两栖动物数量增加的潜在机制。我们进行了田间基质偏爱实验,以检验两栖类动物更喜欢(i)高复杂性基质而不是低复杂性基质,和(或)(ii)贻贝粪便含量高的基质和伪粪便沉积物而沉积率低的基质的假设。我们在春季(1996年5月)和夏季(1995年7月和1995年7月,1996年6月和1996年8月)测量了两栖类对裸露的岩石,活贻贝和死贻贝的偏好。栖息地的复杂性影响了两栖类动物栖息地的偏好,并且偏好随季节变化。在春季,死贻贝的两栖动物密度最高,但响应变化很大。在仲夏(6月和7月),两栖动物没有表现出对底物的偏好。在夏末(8月),两栖类动物始终偏爱高复杂度的贻贝基质。两栖动物从来不喜欢低复杂度的底物。在实验室喂养试验中,我们还评估了斑马贻贝的存在对鱼-脚足动物相互作用的影响。我们测试了以下假设:贻贝的存在会降低两栖动物对蓝blue(Lepomis macrochirus)和黄鲈(Perca flavescens)的捕食。贻贝的存在显着降低了blue和蓝鲈的捕食。我们的结果支持以下假设:斑马贻贝入侵时两栖动物的增加是由于栖息地复杂性增加,可能是通过降低捕食风险而造成的。然而,斑马贻贝对鱼类-两足动物相互作用的影响取决于捕食者的种类。 [参考:38]



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