首页> 外文期刊>Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences >A stressor-independent test for biodiversity-ecosystem function relationships during a 23-year whole-lake experiment

A stressor-independent test for biodiversity-ecosystem function relationships during a 23-year whole-lake experiment


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Anthropogenic stressors are the Current drivers of loss of global biodiversity and deterioration of ecosystem function (e.g., primary production). However, it is debatable whether human stressors or associated changes in biodiversity better predict the impairment of ecosystem function. Variation in plankton communities during a whole-lake experiment (Lake 302S, Experimental Lakes Area, Canada) was examined to test whether the stressor treatment effect or subsequent stressor-independent variation in species richness best explained interannual variation in aggregate functional properties, Such as productivity or net total biomass. Although significant "biodiversity-ecosystem function" relationships were detected, these correlations were confounded by the negative effect of experimental acidification on species richness. The stressor effect was removed by plotting functional properties against the residuals from the species richness-pH regressions, which generated either negative or nonsignificant relationships. The lack of significant stressor-independent positive relationships between functional properties and species richness highlights the potential greater importance of other mediating factors, such as interactions among multiple stressors, species identity, and altered trophic interactions, at the whole-ecosystem scale.



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