首页> 外文期刊>Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences >The impact of regime shifts on the performance of management strategies for the Gulf of Alaska walleye pollock (Theragra chalcogramma) fishery

The impact of regime shifts on the performance of management strategies for the Gulf of Alaska walleye pollock (Theragra chalcogramma) fishery

机译:政权转移对阿拉斯加角膜白斑鳕(Theragra chalcogramma)渔业管理战略绩效的影响

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Climate variability affects marine ecosystems. The mechanisms relating low-frequency environmental fluctuations (regime shifts) and their impacts on marine populations are not well established for most species, but there is an expectation that the accuracy of scientific advice provided to fisheries management would be improved if management strategies incorporated the effects of regime shifts on stocks. Management strategy evaluation is used to examine the impact of regime shifts in average recruitment on the performance of management strategies for the fishery for walleye pollock, Theragra chalcogramma, in the Gulf of Alaska. The current and four alternative management strategies are evaluated. The alternatives include management strategies with different definitions of the average recruitment used when calculating management reference points, e.g., a 25-year sliding-window method and a "dynamic B-0" method. The current management strategy, which ignores the possibility of future regime shifts, kept the spawning biomass higher relative to the target level than the other management strategies and had the lowest risk of fishing mortality exceeding the overfishing limit. The sliding-window management strategy achieved the highest catches and the lowest interannual variation in catch, although at the cost of a higher risk of the fishing mortality exceeding the overfishing limit.
机译:气候多变性影响海洋生态系统。对于大多数物种而言,与低频环境波动(制度转变)及其对海洋种群的影响有关的机制尚未很好地建立,但人们期望,如果管理战略考虑到影响,向渔业管理提供科学建议的准确性将会提高。政权转向股票。管理策略评估用于检查平均招聘制度变化对阿拉斯加湾角膜白斑鳕(Theragra chalcogramma)渔业管理策略绩效的影响。评估了当前和四种替代管理策略。备选方案包括在计算管理参考点时使用的具有不同平均招聘定义的管理策略,例如25年滑动窗口方法和“动态B-0”方法。当前的管理策略忽略了未来政权转移的可能性,使产卵生物量相对于目标水平高于其他管理策略,并且捕捞死亡率超过过度捕捞极限的风险最低。滑动窗口管理策略实现了最高的产量和最低的年际变化量,尽管以更高的捕鱼死亡率超过过度捕捞极限的风险为代价。



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