首页> 外文期刊>Materials and Manufacturing Processes >Novel Nanomaterials Synthesis by Laser-Liquid-Solid Interaction

Novel Nanomaterials Synthesis by Laser-Liquid-Solid Interaction


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A novel laser-liquid-solid interaction (LLSI) technique has been developed that is highly flexible and allows engineering nanomaterials in form of particles, rods, and tubes from liquid precursors. Synthesis reaction takes place in a molecular level and reaction rate is controlled by laser energy input, precursor solution chemistry, and other processing parameters including interaction time, and thermal conductivity of solid that is spinning in the solution. By the proper selection of liquid precursor, mono-dispersed silver nanoparticles were produced with average particle size 7-10 nm. Alloy composed Ag and Ni were produced in the form of nanoparticles and nanotubes with an average diameter of 40 nm. HRTEM of nanorod exhibited that Ag acted as seed for the synthesis of immiscible of Ag-Ni alloy. Laser writing of silver exhibited 50 percent lower electrical resistivity and eliminated many intermediate steps involved as compared to conventional silver patterning process.
机译:已经开发出一种新颖的激光-液-固相互作用(LLSI)技术,该技术具有高度的灵活性,并允许以液态前驱物的形式以颗粒,棒状和管状形式加工纳米材料。合成反应在分子水平上发生,反应速率由激光能量输入,前体溶液化学性质以及其他处理参数(包括相互作用时间和在溶液中旋转的固体的热导率)控制。通过适当选择液体前体,制得平均粒径为7-10 nm的单分散银纳米颗粒。以平均直径为40 nm的纳米颗粒和纳米管的形式生产了由Ag和Ni组成的合金。纳米棒的HRTEM表明,Ag充当了合成Ag-Ni合金不混溶的种子。与传统的银图案化工艺相比,激光对银的书写显示出低50%的电阻率,并且消除了许多中间步骤。



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