首页> 外文期刊>Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences >Species separation and zoogeography of redfish and rockfish (genus Sebastes) by otolith shape analysis

Species separation and zoogeography of redfish and rockfish (genus Sebastes) by otolith shape analysis


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Interspecific otolith shape variation was investigated within the species-rich genus Sebastes redfish, rockfish as a tool for species separation, since morphological distinction has proven to be difficult. Otolith samples from all four North Atlantic redfish species, six commercially important rockfish species from the North Pacific, and Sebastes capensis from the South Atlantic were compared for differences in linear otolith measurements and elliptical Fourier-shape descriptors. A clear distinction between the North Atlantic and North Pacific/South Atlantic species 97% correct jackknifed classification was achieved by univariate measurements and discriminant analysis of size-corrected Fourier descriptors. Overall species classification successwas 91%, 94% within the North Pacific species and 88% within the North Atlantic samples. From the Pacific rockfish, Sebastes alutus otoliths showed the strongest affinity to the North Atlantic Sebastes. High similarity of otolith shapes of S. capensis to the North Pacific Sebastes and clear discrimination from North Atlantic species coincide with current zoogeographical and speciation theories, as well as with recently reported genetic results.
机译:由于形态区分已被证明是困难的,因此在物种丰富的塞巴斯蒂斯红鱼,石鱼作为物种分离的工具中研究了种间耳石形状的变化。比较了来自北大西洋的所有四种红耳鱼类,北太平洋的六种商业上重要的石鱼物种和南大西洋的海鲈的耳石样品的线性耳石测量值和椭圆傅里叶形状描述子的差异。通过单变量测量和对尺寸校正后的傅里叶描述子进行判别分析,可以清楚地区分北大西洋和北太平洋/南大西洋物种的正确折断率达到97%。总体物种分类成功率为91%,北太平洋物种为94%,北大西洋物种为88%。太平洋石斑鱼中的Sebastes alutus otoliths对北大西洋Sebastes具有最强的亲和力。卡普链霉菌的耳石形状与北太平洋塞巴特山脉高度相似,并且与北大西洋物种的明显区别与当前的动物地理学和物种形成理论以及最近报道的遗传结果相吻合。



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