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Alternating marine and lacustrine sedimentation during late Quaternary in the Gulf of Corinth rift basin, central Greece


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The Gulf of Corinth in central Greece has a maximum depth of about 900 m and is separated from the open sea by the Rion Strait, with a sill depth of 62 m marked by an extensive submarine terrace. During eustatic sea-level lowstands, the Gulf of Corinth was a lake. Under lacustrine conditions, stratified sediments accumulated in the deep-water basins and turbid under-flows from rivers eroded the basin slopes. As the sea level rose, marine waters flooded the Gulf and deltas prograded across the shelves. In shallow-water areas, two key reflectors termed Z and X are terrace surfaces, commonly erosional, which mark the base of the overlying deltaic sequences. In deep-water basins, Z and X mark the top of the acoustically stratified sediments interpreted as lacustrine turbidites; reflectors Y and W mark the base of these stratified intervals and overlie acoustically transparent sections similar to the Holocene section. The last lacustrine conditions in the Gulf (Z to Y) were during isotopic stage 2 and terminated about 12 000 yr ago. Age estimates based on sedimentation rates suggest that the X to W interval corresponds to the stage 4 lowstand of sea level. In the western Gulf of Corinth, shoreline transgressive surfaces corresponding to minor transgressions in stage 5 and to major transgression at the end of stage 6 are recognised. This seismic stratigraphy permits a detailed interpretation of the history of the Gulf of Corinth in the past hundred thousand years. It also provides a general model for sedimentation in rifi basins in which marine and lacustrine sediments alternate.
机译:希腊中部的科林斯湾最大深度约为900 m,与公海之间由里恩海峡(Rion Strait)隔开,门槛深度为62 m,具有广阔的海底平台。在欣喜若狂的海平面低位期间,科林斯湾是一个湖泊。在湖泊条件下,深水盆地中堆积的分层沉积物和河流的浑浊底流侵蚀了盆地的斜坡。随着海平面上升,海水淹没了海湾,三角洲横越了货架。在浅水区,称为Z和X的两个主要反射器是阶地表面,通常是侵蚀性的,它们标志着上覆三角洲层序的底部。在深水盆地中,Z和X标记为声学分层的沉积物的顶部,被解释为湖相浊质。反射器Y和W标记这些分层间隔的基础,并覆盖与全新世部分相似的透声部分。海湾的最后湖相条件(Z到Y)是在同位素第2阶段,大约在12000年之前终止。基于沉积速率的年龄估算表明,X到W的间隔对应于第四阶段的海平面低位。在科林斯湾西部,可以识别出与第5阶段的轻微海侵和第6阶段结束的主要海侵相对应的海岸线海侵表面。这种地震地层学可以对科林斯湾过去十万年的历史进行详细的解释。它还为海洋和湖相沉积物交替出现的rifi盆地的沉积提供了一般模型。



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