首页> 外文期刊>Marine Geology >Origin of mud breccia from the Mediterranean Ridge accretionary complex based on evidence of the maturity of organic matter and related petrographic and regional tectonic evidence

Origin of mud breccia from the Mediterranean Ridge accretionary complex based on evidence of the maturity of organic matter and related petrographic and regional tectonic evidence


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Drilling the Milano mud dome situated in theOlimpi field on the northern flank of the Mediterranean Ridgeaccretionary complex has documented episodic eruptiveactivity over the last 1 to >1.5 million years. Mud extrusion isrelated to backthrust faulting due to subduction of the AfricaPlate beneath a relatively rigid backstop of Cretan continentalcrust. The mud dome is mainly composed of mud breccia withup to 65 percent of polymictic clasts embedded in a clayey matrix.Previously published results from petrography and newmaturity data of both clasts and mud matrix presented hereallow us to distinguish between two different areas ofprovenance: (1) A northern province, characterised by atrimodal maturity distribution of organic material, was foundfor the majority of the mud breccia matrix samples studied.Similarly, some of the clasts studied show the three vitrinite-reflectance populations. These are carbonate and sandstoneclasts, inferred to have been eroded from the upper nappes ofthe Cretan thrust stack after exhumation in the late Miocene, aswell as mudstone clasts. Clay mineralogy of these clastscoincides with earlier results on seafloor samples of a northernprovenance, recovered in the Hellenic Trench. (2) A southernprovenance is proposed for a second group of clasts with abimodal maturity distribution, not showing the secondpopulation (0.64-0.82 percent Rm). These clasts are litharenites,calcilutites and calciturbidites of a proposed southernprovenance, i.e. North Africa.The presence of huminite in all clast and matrix samplesstudied (0.26-0.45 percent Rm) is indicative of a shallow burialhistory. Estimates regarding the depth of mobilisation of themud using the regional thermal gradient indicate burial notdeeper than 2 km below the seafloor. Organoclastic matrixcomponents mirror the northern clast provenance so that, priorto subduction and subsequent extrusion, deposition of the mudin the Northeastern Mediterranean can be inferred. We proposea model in which sediment from the north was trapped withinthe forerunner of the Pliny trench; this sediment was depositedabove the backstop of the subduction complex, which was lateroverridden by the accretionary prism as a result of incipientcollision; density inversion forces then favoured uprise andextrusion of underconsolidated sediments as mud volcanoes.The mud matrix was probably largely derived from aMessinian succession, although alternatives remain possible.
机译:在地中海里奇增生复合体北翼的Olimpi油田钻探Milano泥穹,记录了过去1到> 150万年的爆发性爆发活动。泥浆挤出与反冲断层有关,这是由于非洲板块在相对刚性的克里特岛大陆壳支撑之下俯冲所致。泥浆穹顶主要由角砾岩组成,其中有多达65%的多晶碎屑嵌在黏土基体中。以前的岩相学和碎屑和泥质基质的新成熟度数据显示了我们可以区分两个不同的出处:(1)研究的大多数泥角砾岩基质样品均发现了北部省份,其特征为有机物质的成熟模式分布。同样,一些研究的岩屑显示了三种镜质体反射种群。这些是碳酸盐岩和碎屑岩,推测是在中新世晚期发掘后从克里特岛逆冲推覆层的上层母脉和泥岩碎屑侵蚀掉了。这些楔形岩的粘土矿物学在北部来源的海底样品上得到了较早的结果,该样品在古希腊海沟中被发现。 (2)提出了第二种具有双峰成熟度分布的克拉斯特的南部来源,但没有显示第二种种群(0.64-0.82%Rm)。这些碎屑是拟议的南部来源(即北非)中的锂辉石,方解石和钙长石,研究的所有碎屑和基质样品中均存在腐殖质(Rm为0.26-0.45%),表明其埋葬历史很浅。使用区域热梯度估算的埋葬深度表明,埋葬深度不超过海床以下2 km。有机碎屑基质成分反映了北部的克拉斯特产地,因此,在俯冲和随后的挤压之前,可以推断出地中海东北部的泥浆沉积。我们提出了一个模型,其中将北部的沉积物截留在普林尼海沟的前部。这些沉积物沉积在俯冲复合体的支撑之上,后来由于初期碰撞而被增生棱镜所覆盖;密度反演力则促进了未固结的沉积物如泥火山的上升和挤压。泥浆基质可能主要来自于梅西尼阶系,尽管仍有其他选择。



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