首页> 外文期刊>Canadian journal of earth sciences >~(40)Ar/~(39)Ar thermochronometric constraints on the tectonic evolution of the Clachnacudainn complex, southeastern British Columbia

~(40)Ar/~(39)Ar thermochronometric constraints on the tectonic evolution of the Clachnacudainn complex, southeastern British Columbia

机译:〜(40)Ar /〜(39)Ar热年代学约束对不列颠哥伦比亚省东南部克拉克那库戴恩(Clachnacudainn)复杂构造演化的限制

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~(40)Ar/~(39)Ar thermochronometry from theClachnacudainn complex indicates that the thermal evolution ofthe complex was controlled primarily by the intrusion ofgranitoid plutons in mid- and Late Cretaceous times.Hornblendes from the eastern part of the complex cooled belowtheir Ar closure temperature (ca. 500 deg C) shortly afterintrusion of the mid-Cretaceous plutons; those from the westernpart of the complex have latest Cretaceous cooling dates,indicating cooling of these hornblendes after intrusion of theleucogranite plutons at ca. 71 Ma. Micas from the southernClachnacudainn complex exhibit a pattern of progressivecooling toward lower structural levels, where Late Cretaceousand younger intrusions occur. The occurrence of LateCretaceous - Paleocene mica cooling dates in both the hangingwall and footwall of the Standfast Creek fault refutes thehypothesis that there has been significant Tertiary extensionalexhumation of the Clachnacudainn complex along the StandfastCreek fault. Furthermore, the widespread distribution of LateCretaceous - Paleocene mica cooling ages suggests that animportant volume of Late Cretaccous - early Tertiary intrusiverocks must be present in the subsurface beneath the Clachnacudainn complex.
机译:Clachnacudainn配合物的〜(40)Ar /〜(39)Ar热计时表明该配合物的热演化主要受白垩纪中期和晚期侵入的格尼类胶体云母控制。该配合物东部的角混纺物冷却至其Ar封闭以下侵入白垩纪中层岩体后不久的温度(约500摄氏度);来自该综合体西部地区的那些具有最新的白垩纪冷却日期,表明这些角混合纤维在大约2000年的白云母岩体侵入后冷却。 71马。来自南部克拉克纳库戴恩(Clachnacudainn)复合体的云母表现出向较低结构水平逐渐冷却的模式,在较低的白垩纪发生了较年轻的侵入。 Standfast Creek断层的上盘和下盘都出现了晚白垩世-古新世云母的冷却日期,这反驳了在StandfastCreek断层上Clachnacudainn复合体存在着重要的第三纪伸展扩张的假说。此外,晚白垩世-古新世云母冷却年龄的广泛分布表明,在Clachnacudainn复合体下的地下必须存在大量的晚白垩世-早期第三纪侵入岩。



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