首页> 外文期刊>Management science: Journal of the Institute of Management Sciences >Solving Multi-Item Lot-Sizing Problems with an MIP Solver Using Classification and Reformulation

Solving Multi-Item Lot-Sizing Problems with an MIP Solver Using Classification and Reformulation


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Based on research on the polyhedral structure of lot-sizing models over the last 20 years, we claim that there is a nontrivial fraction of practical lot-sizing problems that can now be solved by nonspecialists just by taking an appropriate a priori reformulation of the problem, and then feeding the resulting formulation into a commercial mixed-integer programming solver. This claim uses the fact that many multi-item problems decompose naturally into a set of single-item problems with linking constraints, and that there is now a large body of knowledge about single-item problems. To put this knowledge to use, we propose a classification of lot-sizing problems (in large part single-item) and then indicate in a set of tables, what is known about a particular problem class and how useful it might be. Specifically, we indicate for each class (i) whether a tight extended formulation is known, and its size; (ii) whether one or more families of valid inequalities are known defining the convex hull of solutions, and the complexity of the corresponding separation algorithms; and (iii) the complexity of the corresponding optimization algorithms (which would be useful if a column generation or Lagrangian relaxation approach was envisaged). Three distinct multi-item lot-sizing instances are then presented to demonstrate the approach, and comparative computational results are presented. Finally, the also use the classification to point out what appear to be some of the important open questions and challenges.
机译:根据对过去20年中批量大小模型的多面体结构的研究,我们认为,实际批量大小问题中有不平凡的部分,现在,非专业人员只需解决问题的适当先验重新公式化即可解决,然后将生成的配方输入到商用混合整数编程求解器中。该主张使用了以下事实:许多多项目问题自然分解为具有链接约束的一组单项目问题,并且现在有大量有关单项目问题的知识。为了利用这些知识,我们建议对批量问题进行分类(在很大程度上是单个项目),然后在一组表中指出有关特定问题类别的已知信息以及其有用性。具体来说,我们针对每个类别(i)指出是否已知紧密扩展的公式及其大小; (ii)是否知道定义解的凸包的一个或多个有效不等式族,以及相应分离算法的复杂性; (iii)相应优化算法的复杂性(如果设想使用列生成或拉格朗日松弛方法,则将非常有用)。然后,给出了三个不同的多项目批量确定实例来演示该方法,并给出了比较计算结果。最后,还使用分类法指出哪些似乎是一些重要的开放性问题和挑战。



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