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Petroleum geochemistry of oil and gas from Barbados:Implications for distribution of Cretaceous source rocks and regional petroleum prospectivity


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Petroleum produced from the Barbados accretionary prism (at Woodbourne Field on Barbados) is interpreted as generated from Cretaceous marine shale deposited under normal salinity and dysoxic conditions rather than from a Tertiary source rock as previously proposed.Barbados oils correlate with some oils from eastern Venezuela and Trinidad that are positively correlated to extracts from Upper Cretaceous La Luna-like source rocks.Three distinct groups of Barbados oils are recognized based on thermal maturity,suggesting petroleum generation occurred at multiple levels within the Barbados accretionary prism.Biodegradation is the most significant process affecting Barbados oils resulting in increased sulfur content and decreased API gravity.Barbados gases are interpreted as thermogenic,having been co-generated with oil,and show mixing with biogenic gas is limited.Gas biodegradation occurred in two samples collected from shallow reservoirs at the Woodbourne Field.The presence of Cretaceous source rocks within the Barbados accretionary prism suggests that greater petroleum potential exists regionally,and perhaps further southeast along the passive margin of South America.Likewise,confirmation of a Cretaceous source rock indicates petroleum potential exists within the Barbados accretionary prism in reservoirs that are deeper than those from Woodbourne Field.
机译:由巴巴多斯增生棱镜(位于巴巴多斯的伍德伯恩油田)生产的石油被解释为是在正常盐度和低氧条件下沉积的白垩纪海相页岩而不是先前提出的第三系烃源岩。巴巴多斯的石油与委内瑞拉东部和非洲一些石油相关。特立尼达与上白垩纪La Luna样烃源岩的提取物呈正相关。根据热成熟度,可识别出三组不同的巴巴多斯油,这表明在巴巴多斯增生棱镜内的多个水平上都发生了石油生成。生物降解是影响其最重要的过程巴巴多斯油导致硫含量增加和API重力降低。 。白垩纪的存在巴巴多斯增生棱柱内的urce岩石表明该地区存在较大的石油潜力,或者可能沿着南美的被动缘向东南延伸。同样,白垩纪烃源岩的证实表明,巴巴多斯增生棱柱内的油气潜力存在于比油层更深的储层中。那些来自伍德本田的人。



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