首页> 外文期刊>Marine Geology >The impacts of sea-level changes during latest Pleistocene and Holocene times on the morphology of the Ionian and Aegean seas (SE Alpine Europe)

The impacts of sea-level changes during latest Pleistocene and Holocene times on the morphology of the Ionian and Aegean seas (SE Alpine Europe)


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The tentative coastline configuration in the Ionian and Aegean seas in three Late Pleistocene-Holocene time slices is given, based on the global eustatic sea-level curve in combination with local geological and geoarcheological data. At lowstand stage 2 (21 500 cal yr BP (years before present), sea level - 120 m), extensive shelves existed in the northern Aegean Sea and, to a second degree, in the eastern Aegean Sea and in the northern and central parts of the Ionian Sea. Many islands were connected with each other and with the mainland. A great part of the periphery of gulfs that have an entrance less than 120 m deep was subaerially exposed, while in their central parts lakes were formed. At 11 500 cal yr BP (sea level -60 m) the exposed shelf was much restricted, most of the gulfs were overflowed by the advancing sea and only a few islands were still connected with the mainland. Finally, at 8000 cal yr BP and onward, the sea initially intruded the lowlands and the gulfs, but the subsequent sediment input by the rivers regressed the sea to its present position. Thus many human settlements and old cities that were maritime during Hellenistic or older times are now a few to tens of kilometers inland.
机译:基于全球欣喜海平面曲线并结合当地地质和地质考古数据,给出了爱奥尼亚海和爱琴海在三个晚更新世-全新世时间段内的暂定海岸线配置。在低水位阶段2(21500 cal BP(以前的年),海平面-120 m),在爱琴海北部以及第二度,在爱琴海东部以及北部和中部存在大量的陆架爱奥尼亚海。许多岛屿相互之间以及与大陆相连。入口不到120 m的海湾外围大部分区域暴露在地下,而在其中心部分则形成了湖泊。在BP 11500 yr BP(海平面-60 m)时,裸露的陆架受到很大限制,大部分海湾被前进的海溢流,只有少数岛屿仍与大陆相连。最终,在BP 8000 cal年及以后,海洋最初侵入低地和海湾,但随后河流输入的沉积物使海洋回归到现在的位置。因此,许多古希腊时期或更早时期的海上人类住区和旧城现在在内陆几公里至几十公里。



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