首页> 外文期刊>Marine and Petroleum Geology >Ramifications of high in-situ temperatures for laboratory testing and inferred stress states of unlithified sediments - A case study from the Nankai margin

Ramifications of high in-situ temperatures for laboratory testing and inferred stress states of unlithified sediments - A case study from the Nankai margin


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The recovery of drill cores involves changes in pressure and temperature conditions, which inevitably alter the mechanical properties of unlithified sediments. While expansion from unloading after core recovery is well studied, the effects from cooling on standard geotechnical tests are commonly neglected. Along the central portion of the Nankai margin sediments were recovered from high in-situ temperatures of up to 110 °C during 10DP Leg 190. So far, the interpretation of the consolidation state of the Lower Shikoku Basin facies (LSB) entering the accretionary Nankai margin is ambiguous. Results from laboratory consolidation tests at room temperature show high pre-consolidation stresses. These were interpreted as hardening caused by cementation, while the field-based porosity vs. depth trend points towards normal consolidation. As an explanation for this discrepancy, the change of the mechanical properties by cooling from in-situ to laboratory conditions is proposed. In this paper, the results of a thermo-mechanical model are compared to published field data. This comparison suggests that the observed hardening is at least partially an artefact from cooling during core recovery, and that the strata may be considered normally consolidated to slightly overconsolidated. The latter can be explained by minor cementation or the influence of secondary consolidation. The results suggest that cooling from high in-situ temperatures may be important for the interpretation of the consolidation state of other sedimentary successions elsewhere.
机译:钻芯的回收涉及压力和温度条件的变化,这不可避免地改变了未结块沉积物的机械性能。虽然对岩心回收后的卸荷膨胀进行了很好的研究,但通常忽略了冷却对标准岩土测试的影响。沿南开边缘的中部,在10DP Leg 190期间从高达110°C的高原位温度中回收了沉积物。到目前为止,对进入增生性南开的下四国盆地相(LSB)固结状态的解释边际不明确。室温下实验室固结测试的结果显示出较高的预固结应力。这些被解释为是由于胶结作用引起的硬化,而基于现场的孔隙率与深度的趋势则指向正常固结。为了解释这种差异,建议通过从原位冷却到实验室条件来改变机械性能。在本文中,将热机械模型的结果与已发布的现场数据进行了比较。该比较表明,观察到的硬化至少部分是岩心恢复过程中冷却造成的假象,并且该地层可被视为正常固结至略微过度固结。后者可以通过少量的胶结作用或二次固结的影响来解释。结果表明,从高地温冷却可能对于解释其他沉积层序的固结状态很重要。



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