首页> 外文期刊>European neurology >Cerebral FDG-PET hypermetabolism in carcinomatous meningitis.

Cerebral FDG-PET hypermetabolism in carcinomatous meningitis.


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A 69-year-old man with a history of recent gastric adenocarcinoma presented with subacute visual disturbance, confusion, and weight loss. Fundoscopy was normal. Clinical examination showed optic ataxia, visual attention disturbance, and simultanagnosia consistent with Balint syndrome. MRI revealed a hyperintense posterior cortex, associated with meningeal gadolinium enhacement (fig. 1). EEG only showed frontal slowing. FDG-PET revealed hypermetabolism in the involved posterior regions. Blood and CSF paraneoplastic antibodies were absent. CSF showed lymphocytic pleocytosis (30 cells/m2), elevated protein, and positive cytology for adenocarcinoma. Carcinomatous meningitis was diagnosed. Since identifying CSF tumor cells is often difficult, FDG-PET might help in the diagnosis of carcinomatous meningitis [1, 2]. Other PET tracers, like uC-methi-onine (not used in our patient since this tracer was not available at our center), may also show increased uptake in carcinomatous meningitis [3].
机译:一位69岁的男子,有近期的胃腺癌病史,表现为亚急性视力障碍,意识模糊和体重减轻。眼底镜检查正常。临床检查显示视神经共济失调,视觉注意障碍和同时诊断与Balint综合征相符。 MRI显示高强度后皮质,伴有脑膜g增强(图1)。脑电图仅显示额叶减慢。 FDG-PET显示在所涉及的后部区域代谢亢进。缺少血液和CSF副肿瘤抗体。脑脊液显示淋巴细胞性细胞增多(每平方米30个细胞),蛋白质升高以及腺癌的细胞学检查阳性。诊断为癌性脑膜炎。由于鉴定CSF肿瘤细胞通常很困难,因此FDG-PET可能有助于诊断癌性脑膜炎[1,2]。其他PET示踪剂,如uC-甲硫氨酸(由于我们中心没有这种示踪剂,因此我们的患者不使用),也可能显示癌性脑膜炎的摄取增加[3]。



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