首页> 外文期刊>European neurology >Representation of Somatosensory Modalities in Pathways Ascending from the Spinal Anterolateral Funiculus to the Thalamus Demonstrated by Lesions in Man.

Representation of Somatosensory Modalities in Pathways Ascending from the Spinal Anterolateral Funiculus to the Thalamus Demonstrated by Lesions in Man.


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Patients with cordotomies (16), and brainstem (17) or thalamic (30) infarcts, all except cordotomies verified by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), have been subjected to quantitative sensory perception threshold testing (QST) for touch (von Frey), mechanical pain, sharpness, innocuous warmth and cold, and heat pain in the maximally affected body area and its unaffected contralateral mirror image region. Some patients were tested twice at widely spaced time intervals; no qualitative differences were found. Results show that all modalities are dissociable from one another by lesions at all levels tested, so that there must be separable representation for each of the six modalities tested. In the lower (crossed symptoms and signs), but not the upper (uncrossed symptoms), deficits for all modalities (except for touch) were more marked than at higher levels. At the level of the thalamus, deficits for innocuous and noxious thermal modalities but not for mechanical pain were recorded in the case of lesions ofthe principal somatosensory relay nucleus (VPL/Vc), while more medial thalamic lesions resulted in deficits for mechanical pain but not for heat pain or innocuous thermal modalities; there is a marked deficit for sharpness caused by lesions at both thalamic sites. Copyright (c) 2005 S. Karger AG, Basel.
机译:截线(16),脑干(17)或丘脑(30)梗死的患者,除经磁共振成像(MRI)验证的截肢术外,均接受了针对触觉(von Frey)的定量感觉阈值测试(QST)在受影响最大的身体区域及其未受影响的对侧镜像区域中出现机械性疼痛,锋利度,无害的温暖和寒冷以及热痛。一些患者在宽间隔的时间间隔内接受了两次检查;没有发现质的差异。结果表明,在所有测试水平上,所有模式都可以通过病变相互分离,因此,对于所测试的六个模式中的每个模式,都必须具有可分离的表示形式。在下部(交叉症状和体征)而非上部(未交叉症状),与较高水平相比,所有方式(触摸除外)的缺陷都更加明显。在丘脑水平上,对于主要体感中继核(VPL / Vc)病变,记录了无害和有害的热模态的缺陷,但未记录机械疼痛,而丘脑内侧的病变较多则导致了机械疼痛的缺陷,但没有用于热痛或无害的热疗方式;在两个丘脑部位都有明显的锐度缺陷。版权所有(c)2005 S.Karger AG,巴塞尔。



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