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Complex tubes no battle with bulge forming


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TUBULAR sheet metal components get a lot tougher to make when they need to incorporate branches. Sure, they can always be fabricated in pieces and welded together, but this approach adds a manufacturing process and can risk the creation of failure points at the joint. These kinds of complex tubular shapes are said to be no battle with bulge forming. This variant of hydroforming uses a fluid under hydrostatic pressure to expand the sheet metal within a die cavity. "The fluid pounds the metal into the female die," explains John Fritzkey, VP of engineering for Voss Industries, whose Cleveland, Ohio shop contains one of the few high-precision bulge forming operations in the US.
机译:当需要合并分支时,管状金属薄板零件的制造变得更加困难。当然,它们总是可以制成零件并焊接在一起,但是这种方法增加了制造过程,并且可能冒着在接头处产生失效点的风险。据说这些复杂的管状形状无需与隆起形成战斗。液压成形的这种变型使用流体静压力下的流体在模腔内使金属板膨胀。 Voss Industries的工程副总裁John Fritzkey解释说:“液体将金属压入母模中。”他在俄亥俄州克利夫兰的工厂拥有美国为数不多的高精度凸出成型业务之一。



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