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The WFSA and patient safety in the perioperative setting.


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Since its foundation in 1955, the World Federation of Societies of Anaesthesiologists (WFSA) has dedicated its resources to improving the standard of anesthesia world wide. It does this in a variety of ways-through education programs, publications, scientific collaboration, and the setting of standards for anesthesia practice.An independent International Task Force on Anaesthesia Safety developed a set of standards which were adopted by WFSA in 1992.These standards were updated and approved by the general assembly of WFSA in March of 2008. They are recommended for professionals throughout the world and are available on the WFSA websiteIn many areas of the world, these standards are already met or are even exceeded. However, in environments where resources are scarce, achieving these standards may remain a distant goal, yet a worthwhile goal nevertheless. In Uganda, a recent survey3 delineated the need, not only for monitors and machines, but also for some of the most basic essentials for safe anesthesia. Eighty percent of-respondents did not always have electricity, 44% lacked running water, and 30% did not always have intravenous fluids. Twenty-three percent of participants had the essentials to provide safe anesthesia to an adult, but only 6% could provide a safe anesthetic for Cesarean delivery. Only 13% of respondents could provide safe anesthesia to a child less than 5 years old. A similar survey in Moldova in August 2007 (G. Iohom, personal communication) demonstrated a lack of anesthesia equipment that many would consider essential to the provision of safe anesthesia. So how do WFSA standards apply in such settings?
机译:自1955年成立以来,世界麻醉医师学会联合会(WFSA)致力于将其资源用于改善全世界的麻醉标准。它通过教育计划,出版物,科学合作以及麻醉实践标准的制定等多种方式来做到这一点。一个独立的国际麻醉安全工作队制定了一套标准,该标准于1992年被WFSA采纳。已在WFSA大会上于2008年3月进行了更新和批准。它们被推荐给全世界的专业人员,并且可以在WFSA网站上获得。在世界许多地区,这些标准已经达到甚至超过了。但是,在资源稀缺的环境中,达到这些标准可能仍然是遥远的目标,但仍然是一个有价值的目标。在乌干达,最近的一项调查3不仅描述了对监护仪和机器的需求,而且还描​​述了对安全麻醉的一些最基本要素的需求。 80%的受访者并不总是有电,44%的人没有自来水,30%的人并不总是有静脉输液。 23%的参与者具有向成年人提供安全麻醉的必需品,但是只有6%的参与者可以为剖宫产提供安全的麻醉剂。只有13%的受访者可以为5岁以下的孩子提供安全的麻醉。 2007年8月在摩尔多瓦进行的一项类似调查(G. Iohom,个人通讯)表明缺乏麻醉设备,许多人认为麻醉设备对提供安全麻醉至关重要。那么WFSA标准如何在这样的环境中应用?



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