首页> 外文期刊>Canadian journal of anesthesia: Journal canadien d'anesthesie >Multiple organ dysfunction syndrome: a narrative review.

Multiple organ dysfunction syndrome: a narrative review.


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PURPOSE: To review multiple organ dysfunction syndrome with respect to: 1) clinical measurement systems; 2) molecular mechanisms; and 3) therapeutic directions based upon molecular mechanisms. METHODS: The Medline, Cochrane, and Best Evidence databases (1996 to 2000), conference proceedings, bibliographies of review articles were searched for relevant articles. Key index words were multiple organ failure, multiple system organ dysfunction, sepsis, septic shock, shock, systemic inflammatory response syndrome. Outcomes prospectively defined were death and physiological reversal of end organ failure. RESULTS: Multiple organ dysfunction/failure (MODS) is the most common cause for death in intensive care units. The recognition of this syndrome in the last 30 yr may be due to advances in early resuscitation unmasking these delayed sequelae in those that would have died previously. Multiple organ dysfunction occurs after shock of varied etiologies and may be the result of unbridled systemic inflammation. As yet, therapy directed to prevent or improve MODS has not dramatically altered outcomes. CONCLUSION: Multiple organ dysfunction may serve as useful measure of disease severity for risk adjustment and outcome marker for quality of care and therapy provided. Anesthesiologists treating shock patients will note the subsequent development of MODS in the critical care unit and may be required to provide anesthetic support to these patients.
机译:目的:回顾以下方面的多器官功能障碍综合征:1)临床测量系统; 2)分子机制; 3)基于分子机制的治疗方向。方法:检索Medline,Cochrane和Best Evidence数据库(1996年至2000年),会议记录,评论文章的书目以查找相关文章。关键词是多器官功能衰竭,多系统器官功能障碍,败血症,败血性休克,休克,全身性炎症反应综合征。前瞻性定义的结果是终末器官衰竭的死亡和生理逆转。结果:多器官功能障碍/衰竭(MODS)是重症监护病房中最常见的死亡原因。在最近30年中对该综合征的认识可能是由于早期复苏的进展掩盖了那些先前已经死亡的人的这些后遗症。多种病因引起的休克后会发生多器官功能障碍,这可能是系统性全身炎症的结果。迄今为止,针对预防或改善MODS的疗法尚未显着改变结果。结论:多器官功能障碍可作为疾病严重程度的有用指标,可用于风险调整以及提供护理和治疗质量的结果指标。治疗休克病人的麻醉师会注意到重症监护病房随后MODS的发展,可能需要为这些病人提供麻醉支持。



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