首页> 外文期刊>Canadian Journal of Dietetic Practice and Research >Content Validity for a Child Care Self-assessment Tool: Creating Healthy Eating Environments Scale (CHEERS)

Content Validity for a Child Care Self-assessment Tool: Creating Healthy Eating Environments Scale (CHEERS)


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The purpose of this project was to develop and content validate both a formative and summative self-assessment scale designed to measure the nutrition and physical activity environment in community-based child care programs. The study followed a mixed-method modified Ebel procedure. An expert group with qualifications in nutrition, physical activity, and child care were recruited for content validation. The survey was subjected to expert review through digital communication followed by a face-to-face validation meeting. To establish consensus for content validity beyond the standard error of proportion (P < 0.05) the content validity index (CVI) required was >= 0.78. Of the initial 64 items, 44 scored an acceptable CVI for inclusion. The remaining items were discussed, missing concepts identified, and a final CVI employed to determine inclusion. The final tool included 62 items with 5 sub-scales: food served, healthy eating program planning, healthy eating environment, physical activity environment, and healthy body image environment. Content validation is an integral step in scale development that is often overlooked or poorly carried out. Initial content validity of this scale has been established and will be of value to researchers and practitioners interested in conducting healthy eating interventions in child care.
机译:该项目的目的是开发和内容验证形成性和总结性自我评估量表,该量表旨在测量基于社区的儿童保育计划中的营养和身体活动环境。该研究遵循混合方法修改的Ebel程序。招募了具有营养,体育锻炼和育儿资历的专家小组进行内容验证。该调查通过数字通讯进行专家审查,然后进行面对面的验证会议。要建立超出比例标准误差(P <0.05)的内容有效性共识,所需的内容有效性指数(CVI)> = 0.78。在最初的64个项目中,有44个得分为可接受的CVI。讨论了其余项目,确定了缺失的概念,并使用了最终的CVI来确定是否包含。最终工具包括5个子等级的62个项目:提供食物,健康饮食计划,健康饮食环境,体育锻炼环境和健康身体形象环境。内容验证是规模开发中不可或缺的步骤,通常会被忽略或执行不力。已经建立了该量表的初始内容有效性,并将对有兴趣在儿童保育中进行健康饮食干预的研究人员和从业人员有价值。



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