首页> 外文期刊>Canadian journal of anesthesia: Journal canadien d'anesthesie >Lighted stylet-guided intubation via the intubating laryngeal airway in a patient with Hallermann-Streiff syndrome.

Lighted stylet-guided intubation via the intubating laryngeal airway in a patient with Hallermann-Streiff syndrome.


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PURPOSE: Hallermann-Streiff syndrome is a congenital syndrome associated with oculomandibulofacial abnormalities and potentially difficult airways. This case report describes the novel use of a lighted stylet-guided tracheal tube insertion through a new supraglottic airway, the intubating laryngeal airway (ILA), in a patient with Hallermann-Streiff syndrome who had anticipated difficult airway. CLINICAL FEATURES: A 26-year-old male with Hallermann-Streiff syndrome was scheduled for a vitrectomy. The patient had mandibulofacial dystocia with a bird-like appearance, a mouth opening of 4 cm, a receding chin, and a Mallampati class 3 examination. The surgeon requested muscle paralysis and no movement during surgery. After receiving midazolam, fentanyl and propofol, a size 3.5 ILA was inserted and lung ventilation was easy to perform. A 7.5-mm internal diameter tracheal tube was mounted on a lighted stylet with its inner rigid stylet removed. After succinylcholine administration, the lighted stylet-trachealtube assembly was inserted via the ILA until the transillumination just vanished below the sternal notch. The lighted stylet was removed, the circuit was connected, and capnography confirmed tracheal placement of tube. The ILA was deflated and left in situ. Upon emergence from anesthesia, the tracheal tube, and subsequently the ILA, were removed without complications. CONCLUSIONS: This case presents a novel use of a lighted stylet-guided tracheal tube insertion through the ILA in a patient with Hallermann-Streiff syndrome. This intubation technique can be considered in patients with difficult airways as a primary route of intubation, or as a secondary rescue strategy.
机译:目的:Hallermann-Streiff综合征是与眼睑下颌面异常和气管潜在困难相关的先天性综合征。该病例报告描述了在患有Hallermann-Streiff综合征的患者中,通过新的声门上气道(气管插管喉道(ILA))通过轻巧的管心针引导气管导管插入,该患者已预料到困难的气道。临床特征:计划将26岁的男性患有Hallermann-Streiff综合征进行玻璃体切除术。患者患有下颌面部难产,外观呈鸟状,嘴巴张开4厘米,下巴后退,并进行Mallampati 3级检查。外科医生要求肌肉麻痹,且手术期间无运动。接受咪达唑仑,芬太尼和丙泊酚后,插入大小为3.5的ILA,易于进行肺通气。将一根7.5毫米内径的气管导管安装在一个点燃的探针上,并取下其内部刚性探针。给予琥珀酰胆碱后,通过ILA插入点燃的管心针气管插管组件,直到透射光刚好消失在胸骨切口以下。取下点燃的管心针,连接电路,并通过二氧化碳描记术确认管的气管位置。 ILA被放气并留在原地。麻醉后,气管插管和随后的ILA均被切除,无并发症。结论:本病例介绍了一种轻的探针引导气管导管通过ILA插入Hallermann-Streiff综合征患者的新方法。这种气管插管技术可以被认为在气道困难的患者中作为插管的主要途径,或作为辅助抢救策略。



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