首页> 外文期刊>Canadian journal of anesthesia: Journal canadien d'anesthesie >Stress-induced cardiomyopathy following cephalosporin-induced anaphylactic shock during general anesthesia.

Stress-induced cardiomyopathy following cephalosporin-induced anaphylactic shock during general anesthesia.


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PURPOSE: Anaphylaxis may be caused by various agents during general anesthesia. Sympathetic discharge may occur during anaphylaxis, which can trigger transient cardiomyopathy. We describe a case of stress-induced cardiomyopathy that occurred in association with an anaphylactic reaction during general anesthesia. CLINICAL FEATURES: A 32-year-old female undergoing laparoscopic enucleation of an ovarian cyst developed a severe anaphylactic reaction after cephalosporin infusion during general anesthesia. Her vital signs responded favourably to immediate resuscitative maneuvers, but cardiovascular collapse reappeared with transient ventricular tachycardia shortly after her transfer to the intensive care unit. ST-segment elevation appeared in electrocardiographic leads V(2)-V(6) and echocardiography showed diffuse regional wall motion abnormalities in the midventricular level. Increased MB fractions of creatine kinase and troponin T levels indicated myocardial necrosis, but cardiac catheterization demonstrated normal coronary arteries. Management was supportive and she was discharged 2 days after the onset of anaphylactic symptoms, without sequelae. A diagnosis of stress-induced cardiomyopathy of a midventricular type following anaphylaxis was made on the basis of the clinical features and the findings of cardiac evaluations. CONCLUSIONS: Transient, reversible left-ventricular dysfunction is a recently recognized phenomenon that may occur in the setting of anaphylactic reactions during the perioperative period.
机译:目的:全身麻醉期间各种药物可能引起过敏反应。过敏反应期间可能会发生交感神经放电,这可能会触发短暂性心肌病。我们描述了在全麻期间发生与过敏反应相关的应激性心肌病的情况。临床特征:一名接受全孔麻醉的头孢菌素输注后,接受腹腔镜摘除卵巢囊肿的32岁女性出现严重的过敏反应。她的生命体征对立即的复苏动作反应良好,但是在转移到重症监护室后不久,短暂的室性心动过速再次出现了心血管衰竭。 ST段抬高出现在心电图导联V(2)-V(6)中,超声心动图显示在心室中水平弥漫性区域壁运动异常。肌酸激酶和肌钙蛋白T水平的MB分数升高表明心肌坏死,但心脏导管检查显示冠状动脉正常。管理层给予支持,过敏性症状发作后2天出院,无后遗症。根据临床特征和心脏评估的结果,诊断为过敏性应激后心室型应激性心肌病。结论:短暂性,可逆性左心功能不全是最近公认的现象,可能在围手术期发生过敏反应时发生。



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