首页> 外文期刊>Canadian journal of anesthesia: Journal canadien d'anesthesie >Case report: transfusion-related acute lung injury (TRALI) - a clear and present danger.

Case report: transfusion-related acute lung injury (TRALI) - a clear and present danger.


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PURPOSE: To describe a case of transfusion-related acute lung injury (TRALI) after platelet transfusion immediately following cardiac surgery, and to review the clinical features, pathophysiology, management, and morbidity and mortality associated with such an event. CLINICAL FEATURES: A 62-yr-old man was transferred to our centre for urgent coronary artery bypass grafting in the setting of recent anti-platelet medication use. Soon after surgery he received platelet transfusions despite having only moderate blood loss. Shortly following the platelet transfusion, he suffered acute hypoxic and hypotensive decompensation requiring nitric oxide therapy, inotropic support, and prolonged need for mechanical ventilation. The patient was eventually discharged from the intensive care unit nine days following the event. The diagnosis of TRALI was made by clinical and radiographic criteria. CONCLUSION: Transfusion-related acute lung injury is now the leading cause of transfusion-related fatalities. Early diagnosis of TRALI is important and these reactions should be reported to the blood transfusion service so that appropriate action can be taken to prevent future morbidity and mortality in other patients. To reduce serious transfusion reactions, inappropriate transfusions must be minimized and the decision to transfuse blood products should be taken with care.
机译:目的:描述心脏手术后立即输注血小板后输血相关的急性肺损伤(TRALI)的病例,并回顾与这种事件相关的临床特征,病理生理学,治疗以及发病率和死亡率。临床特征:在最近使用抗血小板药物的情况下,一名62岁的男子被转移到我们的中心进行紧急冠状动脉搭桥术。手术后不久,他尽管仅有中度失血,但仍接受了血小板输注。血小板输注后不久,他遭受了急性低氧和低血压失代偿,需要一氧化氮治疗,正性肌力支持和长期的机械通气需求。事件发生后九天,患者最终从重症监护病房出院。 TRALI的诊断是根据临床和影像学标准进行的。结论:与输血有关的急性肺损伤现已成为与输血有关的死亡的主要原因。 TRALI的早期诊断很重要,应将这些反应报告给输血服务部门,以便采取适当的措施来防止其他患者将来的发病和死亡。为了减少严重的输血反应,必须尽量减少不适当的输血,并应谨慎考虑输血的决定。



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