首页> 外文期刊>Canadian journal of anesthesia: Journal canadien d'anesthesie >Evolution of 20th century attitudes to prophylaxis of pulmonary aspiration during anaesthesia.

Evolution of 20th century attitudes to prophylaxis of pulmonary aspiration during anaesthesia.


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PURPOSE: To describe the evolution of aspiration risk identification and prophylactic management during general anaesthesia as presented in the United Kingdom (UK) anaesthesia textbooks published 1900-1998. METHODS: The Cumulated Index Medicus, 1900-1997, was searched under the headings: anaesthesia, aspiration, and pneumonia for relevant articles. A classification of features was created using key words and phrases: fasting guidelines, gastric emptying, intestinal obstruction and peritonitis, gastro-oesophageal function, upper oesophageal sphincter, raised intra abdominal pressure, pregnancy, posture and difficult tracheal intubation. Finally, 46 20th century UK anaesthesia text books were studied for the presence or absence of these features. RESULTS: Throughout the century, intestinal obstruction was a recognized risk factor. Only in the 1940s did some authors mention many of the now known risk factors. Hazards for the pregnant patient were described and in the 1960s the importance of the cricopharyngeus muscle was identified. Prophylactic measures included food and water restriction recommendations, especially in the latter half of the century and gastric lavage and drainage were mentioned throughout the century, as was posture at induction. In the 1950s tracheal intubation began to be routinely recommended. In the 1960s, cricoid pressure appeared and then a burgeoning interest in pharmacological control of gastric content character. Awake tracheal intubation is not always mentioned in 1990-96 textbooks. CONCLUSION: The consensus of information in textbooks since 1970 was lacking in the previous part of the century. Current textbooks are fewer and are published less frequently. Their role in contemporary anaesthesia education and update merits review.
机译:目的:描述在1900-1998年出版的英国(UK)麻醉教科书中介绍的全身麻醉过程中吸入风险识别和预防管理的演变。方法:在麻醉,抽吸和肺炎的标题下,搜索1900-1997年《医疗索引》,以查找相关文章。使用关键词和词组对特征进行分类:禁食指南,胃排空,肠梗阻和腹膜炎,胃食管功能,上食道括约肌,腹腔内压力升高,妊娠,姿势和困难的气管插管。最后,研究了46种20世纪英国麻醉学教科书中这些功能的存在与否。结果:在整个世纪中,肠梗阻是公认的危险因素。直到1940年代,一些作者才提到许多现在已知的危险因素。描述了孕妇的危害,并在1960年代确定了咽咽肌的重要性。预防措施包括建议限制食物和水分,特别是在本世纪下半叶,整个世纪都提到洗胃和引流,以及诱导时的姿势。在1950年代,开始常规建议进行气管插管。在1960年代,出现了环压,然后人们开始对药理控制胃内容物的特性产生了浓厚的兴趣。 1990-96年教科书中并不总是提到清醒的气管插管。结论:1970年以来,教科书中的信息缺乏共识。当前的教科书较少,出版频率较低。他们在当代麻醉教育和更新中的作用值得回顾。



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