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Comment on Wood et al. 2008, 'Impacts of fire on forest age and runoff in mountain ash forests'

机译:评论Wood等。 2008年,“火灾对灰烬森林年龄和径流的影响”

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Wood et al. (2008; FPB 35) concluded their measurements of evapotranspiration (ET) in Eucalyptus regnans F. Muell. forest at Wallaby Creek, Victoria showed that ET differs only slightly between regrowth and oldgrowth, contrary to the findings of previous research. We assert that the conclusions of Wood et al. are invalid and argue that Wood et al. substantially overestimated annual transpiration and rainfall. Monthly whole-forest ET measured by Wood et al. using eddy covariance in a 296-year-old stand sum to similar to 700 mm year(-1); consistent with rainfall of 721 mm year(-1) recorded nearby by the Bureau of Meteorology. However, the Wood et al. conclusions were based on 1077 mm annual transpiration at this site, which appears to be estimated from a few months of heat pulse velocity measurements. Transpiration alone cannot be 54% higher than whole-forest ET because the latter includes transpiration, rainfall interception and evaporation from the forest floor. We believe Wood et al. made errors in scaling heat pulse velocities to whole-stand annual transpiration. Their rainfall of 1175 mm year(-1) averages 62% higher than at three Bureau of Meteorology and Melbourne Water sites nearby. The paper also contains inaccuracies in reporting of the literature and numerous other errors.
机译:伍德等。 (2008年; FPB 35)总结了他们对桉树F. Muell的蒸散量(ET)的测量结果。维多利亚州Wallaby Creek的森林表明,再生与老生之间的ET仅略有不同,这与之前的研究结果相反。我们断言伍德等人的结论。是无效的,并认为伍德等人。大大高估了年蒸腾量和降雨量。 Wood等人测得的每月全林ET。在具有296年历史的看台上使用涡旋协方差类似于700 mm年(-1);符合气象局附近记录的721毫米(-1)年的降雨量。然而,伍德等。结论基于该站点的1077 mm年蒸腾量,这似乎是根据几个月的热脉冲速度测量结果估算得出的。仅蒸腾量不能比整个森林的ET高54%,因为后者包括蒸腾作用,截留降雨和森林地表蒸发。我们相信伍德等人。在按比例缩放热脉冲速度以实现全年站立蒸腾方面存在错误。他们的降雨量为1175毫米(-1)年,平均比附近的三个气象局和墨尔本水利站点高62%。本文还包含不准确的文献报道和许多其他错误。



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