首页> 外文期刊>Canadian journal of anesthesia: Journal canadien d'anesthesie >Do not resuscitate orders--managing the dilemma.

Do not resuscitate orders--managing the dilemma.


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The status of DNR orders (or equivalent declarations) in patients undergoing surgery will continue to present considerable challenges for both healthcare providers and patients, or their alternate decision makers. It is essential that all parties understand the specifics of each DNR order, focusing not only on the actual content of the order or declaration but also on the context in terms of location, timing and circumstance. The principle of "respect for persons" should guide, inform and shape the approach followed with each patient. Meaningful dialogue and "negotiation" will be required. Make no assumptions! The "required reconsideration" of pre-existing DNR orders should be the basic approach followed. There is no single "solution" for all DNR-related issues in the peri-operative period. What may appear obvious to the anaesthetist may be viewed entirely differently by the patient, or even by other members of the care giving team. There is no justification for either the automatic suspension or the automatic continuation of DNR orders in patients undergoing surgery. A patient-specific and situation-specific approach and "solution" is required. Similar principles will apply in acute care settings other than the operating room. Full engagement by health care workers in the processes addressing these issues should be a personally enriching experience.
机译:接受手术治疗的患者中DNR订单(或等效声明)的状态将继续对医疗服务提供者和患者或其替代决策者构成巨大挑战。各方必须理解每个DNR订单的细节,不仅要着眼于订单或声明的实际内容,还要着眼于位置,时间和情况的上下文。 “尊重人”的原则应指导,告知和塑造每位患者应遵循的方法。需要进行有意义的对话和“谈判”。不要做任何假设!预先存在的DNR订单的“要求重新考虑”应该是遵循的基本方法。对于围手术期中与DNR相关的所有问题,没有单一的“解决方案”。对于麻醉师来说显而易见的是患者,甚至是护理服务团队的其他成员可能完全不同的看法。对于接受手术的患者,DNR命令的自动暂停或自动继续没有任何道理。需要特定于患者和特定情况的方法和“解决方案”。除手术室外,类似的原则也适用于急诊环境。医护人员充分参与解决这些问题的过程应该是个人丰富的经验。



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