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Influence of temperature on hydrodynamic costs of morphological defences in zooplankton: experiments on models of Eubosmina (Cladocra)


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1. If swimming speed is correlated to fitness (e.g. by affecting food intake or the chance to evade predators) or considerable energy is expended in swimming, zooplankton wearing protruding structures (as predator defence) that significantly increase drag resistance must pay a cost for the better protection against predators that these traits implay. 2. In an experiment with plastic models, the drag and energy consumption of swimming in two species of Eubosmina were examined. Eubosmina longispina has a typical Bosmina morphology with a low carapace and short antennule, whereas E. coregoni gibbera has a very high carapax and long antennule. 3. At 5 deg C, E. c. gibbera had 32-45% higher drag than E. longispina. At 20 deg C, the difference is 20-45percent. 4. A mathematical model of swimming predicts that these differences in drag should result in 18-20 (at 5 deg C) or 14-16 (at 20 deg C)percentage lower speed for E. c. gibbera than for E. longispina if they use the same amount of energy in swimming. 5. The relative difference in drag or swimming speed between the two species was highest at low Reynolds number (i.e. low speed or low temperature). These results show that hydrodynamic costs of extreme morphology may increase with decreasing temperature. 6. The increased cost of morphological antipredator defence at low temperatures may be enlightening with regard to the role of temperature in the induction of cyclomorphic traits in zooplankton. This may be one explanation for why extreme forms of E. c. gibbera and some Daphnia are only found in the summer when water temperature is high.
机译:1.如果游泳速度与体能相关(例如,通过影响食物摄入量或逃避捕食者的机会),或在游泳中消耗了大量能量,则浮游动物所穿的突出结构(作为捕食者的防御能力)会显着提高阻力,因此必须为此付出代价。更好地防范这些特征造成的掠食者。 2.在使用塑料模型进行的实验中,研究了两种Eubosmina游泳的阻力和能耗。 Eubosmina longispina具有典型的Bosmina形态,甲壳低而​​瓣膜短,而金线虫E. coregoni gibbera具有很高的甲壳和长瓣膜。 3.在5℃下,E.c。 gibbera的阻力比E. longispina高32-45%。在20摄氏度时,差异为20-45%。 4.游泳的数学模型预测,阻力的这些差异应导致E. c。的速度降低18-20%(在5摄氏度)或14-16(在20摄氏度)。如果他们在游泳中使用相同量的能量,那么长臂猿将比长鳍金枪鱼更大。 5.在低雷诺数(即低速或低温)下,两个物种之间的阻力或游泳速度的相对差异最大。这些结果表明,极端形态的水动力成本可能随温度降低而增加。 6.关于温度在浮游动物中诱导环形态性状的作用中,低温下形态抗捕食者防御成本的增加可能是有启发性的。这可能是为什么E.c.的极端形式的一种解释。 gibbera和一些水蚤仅在夏季水温高时发现。



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