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An FT-ICR study on laser ablation of graphite and carbon black targets: Cosmochemical implications


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Graphite and carbon black samples were laser ablated in an FT-ICR (Fourier transform-ion cyclotron resonance spectrometer) by Nd-YAG laser under high vacuum in conditions recalling those existing in the interstellar medium. It is shown that graphite gives a regular sequence of polyyne and cyclopolyyne chains from C-10 to C-27 and additionally produces 2% of C-60 fullerene. When carbon black is used in place of graphite under the same conditions, no C-60 fullerene was produced and also the sequence of polyyne species generated was very irregular. If really carbon black structure and elemental composition approaches more closely than pure graphite the structure of the carbon dust, we can predict that C-60 fullerene should not be produced from the thermal decomposition of this dust in high vacuum. [References: 14]
机译:石墨和炭黑样品在N-YAG激光的FT-ICR(傅立叶变换离子回旋共振光谱仪)中在高真空条件下进行激光烧蚀,以回收存在于星际介质中的样品。结果表明,石墨给出了从C-10到C-27的聚炔和环聚炔链的规则序列,并另外产生2%的C-60富勒烯。当在相同条件下使用炭黑代替石墨时,没有生成C-60富勒烯,并且生成的多炔物种的序列非常不规则。如果真正的炭黑结构和元素组成比纯石墨更接近碳粉尘的结构,我们可以预测,不应由这种粉尘在高真空下的热分解产生C-60富勒烯。 [参考:14]



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