首页> 外文期刊>Canadian journal of anesthesia: Journal canadien d'anesthesie >GlideScope~R videolaryngoscope facilitates nasotracheal intubation

GlideScope~R videolaryngoscope facilitates nasotracheal intubation


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Increasing evidence indicates the emerging role of GlideScope~R videolaryngoscope (Diagnostic Ultrasound Corporation, Bothell, WA, USA) for both routine and difficult airway management. We recently undertook a clinical evaluation of GlideScope~R videolaryngoscopy (GV) to test its effectiveness for nasotracheal intubation performed by residents in training, comparing it with direct laryngoscopy (DL) using a #3 or #4 Macintosh blade and Magill forceps. After obtaining Ethics Committee approval, we studied 20 patients who required nasotracheal intubation for surgical convenience. After induction of anesthesia and establishing mask ventilation, a pre-warmed, lubricated endotracheal tube (Polar preformed tracheal tube, Portex Inc., Keene, NH, USA) was introduced into either the right or left nares, and either GV (n = 10) or DL (n = 10) was performed. Patients were randomly assigned to either group and allocation concealment was established using sealed envelopes. Under direct visualization, the laryngoscopist directed the tube tip into the glottis. If the tube could not be inserted into the glottis, Magill forceps were used to grasp the tube while an assistant advanced the tube by pushing on the nasal end. Each intubation was performed by trainees who had one to two months of training in airway management.
机译:越来越多的证据表明,GlideScope〜R电子喉镜(诊断超声公司,美国华盛顿州博塞尔)在常规和困难气道管理中都发挥着重要作用。我们最近对GlideScope〜R电子喉镜(GV)进行了临床评估,以测试其对住院医师进行的经鼻气管插管的有效性,并将其与使用#3或#4 Macintosh刀片和Magill钳的直接喉镜(DL)进行比较。获得伦理委员会批准后,我们​​研究了20例需要鼻气管插管以方便手术的患者。麻醉诱导并建立面罩通气后,将预热的润滑气管导管(Polar预制气管导管,Portex Inc.,基恩,美国新罕布什尔州)插入右鼻孔或左鼻孔,并插入GV(n = 10)。 )或DL(n = 10)。将患者随机分配至任一组,并使用密封的信封建立分配隐蔽性。在直接可视化下,喉镜医师将管尖引导至声门。如果无法将管子插入声门,可使用Magill钳抓住管子,同时助手通过推动鼻端推动管子前进。每次插管均由接受过一到两个月气道管理培训的学员进行。



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