首页> 外文期刊>Canadian journal of anesthesia: Journal canadien d'anesthesie >Unexplained fever after bilateral superficial cervical block in children undergoing cochlear implantation: An observational study

Unexplained fever after bilateral superficial cervical block in children undergoing cochlear implantation: An observational study


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Purpose: In an effort to decrease postoperative opioid requirements, intraoperative bilateral superficial cervical plexus block (BSCPB) was recently adopted for all our children undergoing general anesthesia for bilateral simultaneous cochlear implantation (BSiCI). Several cases of early postoperative fever were noted after the adoption of BSCPB. Our aim was to determine if an association exists between BSCPB and early postoperative fever in children undergoing BSiCI. As a secondary outcome, we studied the efficacy of BSCPB in altering postoperative analgesic requirements. Methods: We conducted a retrospective cohort study of 91 consecutive children who underwent BSiCI. The series included 34 patients who received BSCPB (Block Group) and 57 patients who did not receive BSCPB (No-block Group). Results: The median age (range) was 15.4 months (eight months - 15 yr). A significant association was found between BSCPB and postoperative fever (P = 0.006). Eighteen (19.7%) children developed fever in the first 24 hr after surgery (Block Group: 12/34 [35%]; No-block Group: 6/57 [11%]; P = 0.006). The Block Group was 4.8 times more likely to develop early postoperative fever after adjusting for other variables (P = 0.004). The Block Group spent more days in hospital after surgery compared with the No-block Group (P = 0.043). Other vital signs showed no major deviation from the normal ranges, and daily physical examinations revealed no obvious source of infection in children who developed postoperative fever. Conclusion: Bilateral superficial cervical plexus block may increase the risk of postoperative fever in children undergoing BSiCI. In this series, BSCPB was associated with a longer hospital admission. The etiology of the fever is undetermined, although it can be hypothesized that BSCPB resulted in unintended block of the phrenic nerves leading to diaphragmatic paralysis, atelectasis, and early postoperative fever in young children.
机译:目的:为了减少术后阿片类药物的需求,最近对所有接受全麻双侧人工耳蜗植入术(BSiCI)的儿童采用了术中双侧浅表颈丛神经阻滞(BSCPB)。采用BSCPB后,发现了几例术后早期发烧的病例。我们的目的是确定在接受BSiCI的儿童中BSCPB与术后早期发烧之间是否存在关联。作为次要结果,我们研究了BSCPB改变术后镇痛要求的功效。方法:我们对91例连续接受BSiCI的儿童进行了回顾性队列研究。该系列包括34例接受BSCPB的患者(阻止组)和57例不接受BSCPB的患者(无阻止组)。结果:中位年龄(范围)为15.4个月(八个月-15岁)。发现BSCPB与术后发烧之间存在显着关联(P = 0.006)。十八(19.7%)儿童在手术后的前24小时发烧(阻塞组:12/34 [35%];无阻塞组:6/57 [11%]; P = 0.006)。调整其他变量后,Block组术后早期发烧的可能性高4.8倍(P = 0.004)。与无阻塞组相比,阻塞组在术后的住院时间更长(P = 0.043)。其他生命体征显示未超出正常范围,并且日常体检未发现术后发烧儿童明显的感染源。结论:双侧浅表颈丛神经阻滞可能增加BSiCI儿童术后发烧的风险。在本系列中,BSCPB与住院时间更长相关。尽管可以假设BSCPB导致un神经意外阻塞,导致diaphragm肌麻痹,肺不张和术后早期发烧,但发热的病因尚未确定。



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