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The mango tree in central and northern Benin: damage caused by fruit flies (Diptera Tephritidae) and computation of economic injury level


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Introduction. In the southern Sudanian zone of Benin, fruit flies are major pests and responsible for considerable yield losses in mango production. The two main species of economic importance affecting mango trees in Benin are Ceratitis cosyra and Bactrocera invadens. During the 2006 crop year and across seven main cultivars, losses stood at 17% in early April and exceeded 70% in mid-June. By the middle of the crop year, over 50% of losses occurred in mango orchards. Materials and methods. The Stone and Pedigo method was used to compute the economic injury level, using variables such as pest control costs, level of losses and mango prices. Results and discussion. The Economic Injury Level (EIL) was highly variable. For the cultivar Kent, for example, it varies from (30 to 75) fruit flies captured per ha and per week, whereas for Keitt the level ranges from (24 to 57) fruit flies.ha(-1).week(-1). EIL variability depends among other things on market price fluctuation. This method is based on the early introduction of detection traps in mango orchards. A weekly monitoring of trapped fruit flies is used to compute the EIL and make a decision about pest control. Pest control (GF-120 in this case) is recommended if the gross returns exceed production costs. If the number of trapped fruit flies is below the EIL, a treatment is not recommended because pest control will not be profitable. Conclusion. The EIL is an accurate tool to set the optimal (economic) timing of pest control treatment in mango orchards. These preliminary results should lead to the introduction of integrated pest management (IPM) activities to deal with the fruit fly species that are threatening the profitability of mango production in central and northern Benin.
机译:介绍。在贝宁南部苏丹南部地区,果蝇是主要害虫,是芒果生产中可观的产量损失的原因。影响贝宁芒果树的具有经济重要性的两个主要树种是Coceraitis cosyra和Bactrocera invadens。在2006作物年度,在七个主要品种中,4月初的损失为17%,6月中旬超过70%。到农作物年中,芒果园损失了50%以上。材料和方法。斯通和佩迪戈方法用于计算经济损害程度,其中使用了诸如害虫控制成本,损失水平和芒果价格之类的变量。结果与讨论。经济伤害水平(EIL)高度可变。例如,对于肯特品种而言,每公顷和每周捕获的果蝇数量在(30至75)种之间变化,而对于Keitt而言,水平范围是(24至57)种果蝇.ha(-1).week(-1) )。 EIL的可变性尤其取决于市场价格波动。该方法基于芒果果园中早期引入的检测陷阱。每周对捕获的果蝇进行监测,以计算EIL并做出有关虫害控制的决定。如果总回报超过生产成本,则建议使用病虫害防治(在这种情况下为GF-120)。如果捕获的果蝇数量低于EIL,则不建议进行处理,因为虫害控制将无济于事。结论。 EIL是设置芒果园有害生物防治最佳(经济)时机的准确工具。这些初步结果应导致采用有害生物综合治理(IPM)活动,以应对威胁贝宁中部和北部芒果生产获利能力的果蝇物种。



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