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Drought effect on water relations and fruit yield in highbush blueberries


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The effects of (i) a drought cycle on key physiological processes, and (ii) moderate or strong water deficits on yield and harvest index were investigated in Vaccinium corymbosum cv. Bluecrop growing in France. Water potential, metabolism, transpiration, photosynthesis and stem diameter variations were surveyed during a drought cycle and after rehydration (experiment 1). Two week-long dry periods (moderate and strong water deficits) occurring at different phenological stages (fruit growth, maturation and after picking) were analysed in relation to fruit yield (experiment 2). V. corymbosum was highly sensitive to water deficit (as water potential decreased, stomata closed and photosynthesis decreased). The rapid decrease in stomatal conductance efficiently restricted water loss and reduced metabolism. V. corymbosum exhibited a good recovery capacity after rehydration. The most critical stage for the application of water stress was during fruit growth. Water stress occurring between late May and late June strongly affected fruit production by decreasing fruit size. To assure high yield, V. corymbosum should be watered regularly.
机译:在Vaccinium corymbosum cv中研究了(i)干旱周期对关键生理过程的影响,以及(ii)中度或强度水分亏缺对产量和收获指数的影响。生长在法国的矢车菊。在干旱周期和补水后调查了水势,新陈代谢,蒸腾作用,光合作用和茎直径的变化(实验1)。分析了在不同物候阶段(果实生长,成熟和采摘后)出现的两个星期的干旱期(中等和严重缺水),与果实产量相关(实验2)。棒状弧菌对水分缺乏高度敏感(因为水势下降,气孔关闭和光合作用下降)。气孔导度的迅速降低有效地限制了水分的流失并减少了新陈代谢。补液后V. corymbosum表现出良好的恢复能力。水分胁迫最关键的阶段是在果实生长期间。 5月下旬至6月下旬之间发生的水分胁迫通过减小果实大小而严重影响了果实产量。为确保高产,应定期浇水Corymbosum。



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