首页> 外文期刊>Fruit Processing >Citrusuco finds sweet success in bar coding fruit reception system

Citrusuco finds sweet success in bar coding fruit reception system


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The Citrusuco orange juice processing plant in Matao, Brazil has stood for 37 years as a testament to the power of modern food processing technology to turn out consistent quality products on a massive scale. The plant, one of the world's largest citrus processing operations, handles an average of 1,000 truckloads of citrus a day and uses 156 extractors to process the equivalent of 8,800,000 liters of fresh citrus daily. It has some 265 storage bins on site that each hold 24 tons of fruit acquired from groves in the citrus-rich region of the country. But beneath an outward appearance of high-tech efficiency, the plant struggled for years to move and track the varying grades and varieties of citrus from the holds of trucks, into the plant and through the juice-making process.



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