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Incorporating climate information into rebuilding plans for overfished groundfish species of the US west coast


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Rebuilding plans are required by the U.S. Sustainable Fisheries Act (1996) for stocks that are designated to be overfished, including several stocks of groundfish on the U.S. west coast. Despite evidence for climate effects on groundfish recruitment, the analyses that underlie rebuilding plans have not incorporated those effects. We extended the conventional approach used to conduct rebuilding analyses to evaluate the sensitivity of outputs from those analyses to two hypotheses about climate effects on recruitment (temporal autocorrelation due to unknown factors, and reduction in expected recruitment due to a delay in the date of spring transition) for an overfished stock, Pacific ocean perch (Sebastes alutus). We found that catch limits, probabilities of rebuilding to target levels, and times for rebuilding were sensitive to assumptions about recruitment, and those assumptions may have an important influence on management decisions. The Pacific Fisheries Management Council currently makes trade-offs between time for rebuilding and catch limits using outputs of rebuilding analyses combined with social and economic considerations, but in the future, account could also be taken of information on climate effects on recruitment
机译:《美国可持续渔业法》(1996年)要求对被指定为过度捕捞的种群,包括美国西海岸的一些底层鱼类种群进行重建计划。尽管有证据表明气候对底层鱼类的招募有影响,但重建计划所依据的分析并未纳入这些影响。我们将用于进行重建分析以评估这些分析的结果的敏感性的常规方法扩展到关于气候对招聘的影响的两个假设(由于未知因素造成的时间自相关,以及由于春季过渡日期的延迟而导致的预期招聘减少) )用于过度捕捞的种群,太平洋鲈鱼(Sebastes alutus)。我们发现,渔获量限制,将其重建到目标水平的可能性以及重建的时间对有关招聘的假设很敏感,这些假设可能会对管理决策产生重要影响。太平洋渔业管理理事会目前使用重建分析的结果并结合社会和经济考虑因素,在重建时间和捕捞限度之间进行权衡,但在将来,也可以考虑有关气候对招聘的影响的信息



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