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Contribution of bait to lobster production in an oligotrophic marine ecosystem as determined using a mass balance model


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The fishery for the western rock lobster (Panulirus cygnus) in Western Australia is Australia's largest trap-based fishery, deploying 8.8 million pot lifts, landing on average 11,000tonnes of lobster and using approximately 14,000tonnes of bait annually. A mass balance model was constructed to determine the potential contribution of this bait to the diet of western rock lobsters. Bait is potentially a significant subsidy given the oligotrophic nature of Western Australia's marine environment. The mass balance model was constructed on the principle that the biomass of the lobster population reflects the difference between inputs (growth, immigration) and outputs (natural and fishing mortality and emigration). Biomass calculated using this approach was within 7% of biomass calculated from independent estimates based on depletion analysis, indicating the model is robust. The food required to explain observed growth was then calculated, allowing the potential contribution of bait to lobster diet to be assessed. The abundance of natural diet items on the benthos was sufficient to explain the observed growth of lobsters, with bait contributing a maximum of 13% of lobster food requirements over the whole ecosystem. This contribution of bait will differ spatially and temporally reflecting uneven distribution of fishing effort and may be as high as 35% during some months of the fishing season, a result consistent with dietary studies based on stable isotopes. Given observed effects of organic matter addition on ecosystem processes as observed in trawl fisheries and aquaculture operations, it is likely that the effects of bait addition on ecosystem function are more widespread than lobster production.
机译:西澳大利亚州西部龙虾(Panulirus cygnus)的渔业是澳大利亚最大的以陷阱为基础的渔业,部署了880万锅升降机,平均降落了11,000吨龙虾,每年使用大约14,000吨诱饵。建立了质量平衡模型,以确定该诱饵对西方龙虾饮食的潜在影响。考虑到西澳大利亚州海洋环境的贫养性质,诱饵可能是一项重要的补贴。质量平衡模型的建立原则是龙虾种群的生物量反映了投入(增长,移民)和产出(自然和捕鱼死亡率以及移民)之间的差异。使用这种方法计算的生物量在基于耗竭分析的独立估计值的生物量的7%范围内,表明该模型是可靠的。然后计算出解释观察到的生长所需的食物,从而评估诱饵对龙虾饮食的潜在贡献。底栖动物的自然饮食丰富,足以解释所观察到的龙虾的生长,在整个生态系统中,饵料最多占龙虾食物需求的13%。诱饵的这种贡献在空间和时间上会有所不同,反映出捕捞努力的不均匀分布,在捕捞季节的几个月中可能高达35%,这一结果与基于稳定同位素的饮食研究相一致。鉴于在拖网渔业和水产养殖业中观察到有机物添加对生态系统过程的影响,饵料添加对生态系统功能的影响可能比龙虾生产更为广泛。



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