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Age andl growth of the flathead, platycephalus indicus, from the coastal waters of west kyushu, Japan


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The ages of flathead (Platycephalus indicus; Japanese name: magochi), sampled from coastal waters of west Kyushu, Japan, were determined from transverse sections of otoliths. The following two methods were used for age validation: (1) monthly change in marginal increments of 503 sectioned otoliths sampled from the waters, and (2) counting of opaque zones on sectioned otoliths of 28 known-age fish artificiallly fertilized and reared during one to 9 years at two fisheries research laboratories in Japan. The former method revealed that one annulus was formed per year during early summer months. The latter one also validated one annulus per year. Assuming a birth date of June 1 from the monthly change of gonadosomatic indices, ages were assigned to every individual according to the number of opaque zones. These ages were then fitted to the von Bertalanffy growth equations. Equations obtained were L_t=430.3(1-exp(-0.667(t+0.093))) for males, and L_t=551.5(1-exp (-0.478(t+0.125))) for females, where t is age (year) and L_t the total length (mm) at age t. Maximum age observed was 16 years for males and 11 years for females, and the length of females calculated from the equation was larger than that of males at any age.
机译:从日本九州西部沿海水域取样的扁头(Platycephalus indicus;日本名称:magochi)的年龄是从耳石的横截面确定的。以下两种方法用于年龄验证:(1)从水域采样的503切成薄片的耳石的边际增量的每月变化,以及(2)在一次人工授精和饲养的28种已知年龄鱼的切成薄片的耳石上的不透明区域计数在日本的两个渔业研究实验室工作了9年。前一种方法表明,在初夏的几个月中每年形成一个环。后者也每年验证一次。从性腺体指数的每月变化中假定出生日期为6月1日,则根据不透明区域的数量将年龄分配给每个人。然后将这些年龄拟合为von Bertalanffy增长方程。对于男性,获得的方程为L_t = 430.3(1-exp(-0.667(t + 0.093))),对于女性为L_t = 551.5(1-exp(-0.478(t + 0.125))),其中t为年龄(年) ),L_t年龄t处的总长度(mm)。观察到的最大年龄是男性为16岁,女性为11岁,根据该方程式计算得出的女性长度大于任何年龄段的男性。



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