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Horizontal beaming as a crucial component of acoustic fish stockassessment in freshwater reservoirs


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During the summer of 1992 and spring and summer of 1995 and 1996, the fish stocks of four Czech reservoirs, Lipno, Orlik, Slapy and Rimov, were surveyed acoustically. Two acoustic systems (BioSonics model 102 dual-beam 420 kHz echosounder and SIMRAD EY500 split-beam 120 kHz echosounder) were employed to survey the whole bodies by vertical and near-surface horizontal beaming with the transducer at a depth of 40-60 cm. Day and night acoustic surveys were carried out during the spring and summer when fish were unlikely to be undetectable 'hiding' in the 'acoustically-blind' zone near the bottom. Fish more than one pulse length from the bottom could be detected in the sonar beam. The main finding of this study was that vertical beaming must be supplemented by horizontal beaming in all the water bodies as the fish were usually confined to depths of 0-4 m due to attraction to warm surface waters in spring and, later, due to avoidance of de-oxygenated hypolimnions. This applied to all the coarse fish species (mainly Perca fluviatilis, Rutilus rutilus and Abramis brama) apart from their larval stages. Fish densities estimated by vertical beaming were two to fifty times lower than those estimated by horizontal beaming due to avoidance of the boat. Split-beam tracking showed that fish remained very close to the surface even within the strata surveyed by the horizontal beam.
机译:在1992年夏季以及1995年春季和夏季以及1996年期间,对四个捷克水库Lipno,Orlik,Slapy和Rimov的鱼类种群进行了声学调查。使用两个声学系统(BioSonics 102型双波束420 kHz回声测深仪和SIMRAD EY500分离光束120 kHz回声测深仪)通过换能器在40至60 cm的深度通过垂直和近表面水平波束探测整个身体。在春季和夏季进行白天和晚上的声学调查,发现不太可能在底部附近的“听觉盲区”中将鱼隐藏起来。在声纳束中可以检测到鱼从底部超过一个脉冲长度。这项研究的主要发现是,在所有水体中,都必须在水平射束的基础上补充垂直射束,因为由于春季对温暖的地表水的吸引,鱼通常被限制在0-4 m的深度,后来又由于避免脱氧的聚合物。除幼体阶段外,这适用于所有粗鱼类(主要是Perca fluviatilis,Rutilus rut​​ilus和Abramis brama)。由于避开了船,用垂直射线估计的鱼密度比用水平射线估计的鱼密度低两到五十倍。裂束跟踪表明,即使在水平波束调查的地层内,鱼也仍然非常靠近水面。



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