首页> 外文期刊>Fisheries Research >Influence of environmental variables on the distribution of Squatina guggenheim (Chondrichthyes, Squatinidae) in the Argentine-Uruguayan Common Fishing Zone

Influence of environmental variables on the distribution of Squatina guggenheim (Chondrichthyes, Squatinidae) in the Argentine-Uruguayan Common Fishing Zone


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The environmental variables affecting the spatial distribution of Squatina guggenheim Marini, 1936, an important commercial resource, are unknown. Here the influence of temperature, salinity and depth on the distribution of S. guggenheim in the Southwest Atlantic was analyzed. The species-habitat associations were evaluated for the S. guggenheim population as a whole as well as segregated by sex and by size classes (group 1, 23-44cm; group 2, 45-74cm; group 3, 75-91cm L sub(T)). Sampling took place during four bottom trawl surveys conducted in the Argentine-Uruguayan Common Fishing Zone (AUCFZ) during spring (October 1997) and fall (March 1997, March-April 1998, May-June 1998). The sharks were captured using an Engel bottom trawl and the hydrographical information was obtained using a CTD. Bottom depth was measured with an echo-sounder. The distribution of the population was affected (P approximately equal to 0.05) by temperature during spring and fall, while it was affected by salinity only in spring. S. guggenheim showed preference for temperatures ranging from 7.0 to 18.5 super(o)C and salinity values ranging from 33.4 to 33.8. Generally, the distribution of males was affected (P approximately equal to 0.05) by temperature during both seasons, while females were influenced by temperature only in spring. The distribution of both sexes was affected by salinity in spring but not in fall. The distribution of adults sharks (group 3) was more affected by temperature and salinity than that of juveniles sharks (groups 1 and 2). Depth had no effects on the distribution of adults (males or females); however, juveniles belonging to size-group 2 were associated with depth during both spring and fall. High population catches were associated to thermal fronts during all surveys suggesting that these oceanographic structures play an important role as feeding areas for S. guggenheim. A population strategy of spatial segregation by size was proposed and discussed.
机译:影响Squatina guggenheim Marini(一种重要的商业资源)的空间分布的环境变量尚不清楚,1936年。这里分析了温度,盐度和深度对西南大西洋古根海藻分布的影响。评估了整个古格海姆种群的物种-栖息地协会,并按性别和大小分类(第1组,23-44cm;第2组,45-74cm;第3组,75-91cm L亚组)进行了评估。 T))。在春季(1997年10月)和秋季(1997年3月,1998年3月至1998年4月,1998年5月至1998年6月)在阿根廷-乌拉圭共同捕鱼区(AUCFZ)进行了四次底部拖网调查,期间进行了抽样。使用Engel底拖网捕获鲨鱼,并使用CTD获得水文信息。底部深度用回声测深仪测量。春季和秋季,人口的分布受到温度的影响(P大约等于0.05),而仅在春季受盐度的影响。 S. guggenheim对温度范围从7.0至18.5 super(o)C和盐度值在33.4至33.8之间显示偏爱。通常,在两个季节中,雄性的分布都受到温度的影响(P大约等于0.05),而雌性仅在春季受到温度的影响。春季和秋季,盐度影响着男女的分布。成年鲨鱼(第3组)的分布受温度和盐度的影响比幼鲨(第1和第2组)的分布更大。深度对成年人(男性或女性)的分布没有影响;然而,属于大小组2的幼虫在春季和秋季都与深度有关。在所有调查中,高捕获量都与热锋有关,表明这些海洋结构作为古根海藻的觅食区起着重要作用。提出并讨论了按规模进行空间隔离的人口策略。



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