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A simple multivariate technique to improve the design of a sampling strategy for age-based fishery monitoring


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This paper presents a novel application of multivariate statistics to assist in the design of a sampling strategy for age-based fishery monitoring. Non-metric multidimensional scaling (MDS) and analysis of similarities (ANOSIM) were used to assess spatial and temporal variation in age frequency distributions of sea mullet sampled from an estuarine commercial fishery in New South Wales (NSW), southeastern Australia. Age of fish ranged from 1 to 10 years. A similarity matrix of samples was generated by treating each age class as an individual variable. The age composition of samples was not significantly different between estuaries at scales of 50-150 km, but was often significantly different between estuaries at scales of several 100 km. Seasonal differences in age composition were limited. Results provide a guide to appropriate spatial and temporal levels of sampling for age-based monitoring of the fishery. Methods used in this study could be applied to other fisheries to determine appropriate sampling levels for length or age-based monitoring. Variations in age structure of sea mullet observed in this study also suggest the scales at which biological processes, such as larval dispersal, growth and migration, operate for this species and so will also assist in the design of future sampling to examine these processes in more detail.
机译:本文介绍了多元统计的新应用,以协助设计基于年龄的渔业监测的抽样策略。使用非度量多维标度(MDS)和相似性分析(ANOSIM)来评估从澳大利亚东南部新南威尔士州(NSW)的河口商业渔业中采集的海鱼的年龄频率分布的时空变化。鱼的年龄从1到10岁不等。通过将每个年龄段视为一个单独的变量来生成样本的相似度矩阵。在50-150 km范围的河口之间,样本的年龄组成没有显着差异,但是在数百km范围的河口之间,样品的年龄成分通常没有显着差异。年龄构成的季节性差异有限。结果为根据年龄进行渔业监测提供了适当的采样时空水平指南。这项研究中使用的方法可以应用于其他渔业,以确定适当的抽样水平,以进行长度或基于年龄的监测。在这项研究中观察到的海age鱼年龄结构的变化也表明了该物种的生物过程(如幼虫的扩散,生长和迁移)所处的规模,因此也将有助于设计未来的采样,以进一步研究这些过程。详情。



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