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Seals and fisheries in the Clyde Sea area (Scotland): traditional knowledge informs science


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Results obtained from circulating a questionnaire on seal/fisheries interaction around two groups of stakeholders (trawlermen and creel fishers) from the Scottish Clyde fishing fleet are presented. An overall return rate of 30% was achieved representing 664 man-years of traditional knowledge. Nowadays, most commercial fishing in the Clyde Sea area targets Norway lobsters (Nephrops norvegicus), using either towed (nephrops trawl) or static (baited creel) gear. Nephrops trawling generates a whitefish by-catch. All those respondents fishing within the confines of the Clyde Sea area reported experiencing seals interfering with their fishing activities. Both grey seals (Halichoerus grypus) and common, or harbour, seals (Phoca vitulina) occur locally but most respondents did not distinguish between them. The majority of trawlermen reported seals taking fishes from nets and damaging fishes. Only 9% of trawlermen, however, noted gear damage in spite of 91% reporting capturing seals (occasionally or rarely) in their gear. Seals caught in trawls were mostly retrieved dead (exact incidence unknown). Sixty-three percent of creelers who responded reported both damage to fishes and interference with creels. Seals may break into, or smash, creels to steal the bait and in so doing liberate catches. Contact with seals was not thought to taint fishing gear. Seals seemed to target cod (Gadus morhua) and hake (Merluccius merluccius) in trawls and seemed to select the larger individuals. Creel fishers highlighted damage to the bellies of fishes whilst trawlermen stressed damage to the tails. As much as 10% of the whitefish caught by trawlermen was unsaleable due to seal damage. Damage caused by seals was readily distinguishable from damage caused by other agents. 'Rogue' individual seals were not solely to blame. Typically, 9-12 seals (even sometimes as many as 25) might be encountered by any one fisher, especially when gear was being hauled. Half the trawlermen who participated regarded seals as being either a 'considerable' or 'moderate' threat to their livelihoods but 45% regarded them as a 'minor' or 'non'-problem. Grey seal populations have undoubtedly increased considerably locally over the last 40 years. Eighty-six percent of trawlermen were in favour of some sort of seal cull (cf. 14% against), with some 45% of trawlermen in favour of halving seal numbers locally. Over 60% of creelers who responded were looking for even more stringent cut-backs in seal numbers, i.e. of more than 70%.
机译:呈现了通过从苏格兰克莱德渔船队的两组利益相关者(拖网渔船和鱼缸渔民)周围散发海豹/渔业相互作用调查表获得的结果。总回报率为30%,代表664人年的传统知识。如今,克莱德海地区的大多数商业捕鱼都使用拖曳(海螯虾拖网)或静态(诱饵的鱼el架)渔具瞄准挪威龙虾(Nephrops norvegicus)。 Nephrops拖网捕捞会产生白鲑副渔获物。在克莱德海地区范围内捕鱼的所有这些答复者均报告说,海豹干扰了他们的捕鱼活动。灰色海豹(Halichoerus grypus)和普通海豹(海豹)都在当地发生,但大多数受访者没有区分它们。多数拖网渔船报告说,海豹从网中捕捞鱼类并破坏鱼类。然而,尽管有91%的拖网渔船的渔民注意到(有时或很少)捕获海豹,但仍有91%的渔民注意到渔具损坏。被拖网捕捞的海豹大多被追回死亡(确切发病率未知)。做出回应的纱架中有63%的鱼类既对鱼类造成损害,又对鱼架产生干扰。海豹可能会闯入或砸碎筒子架,以窃取诱饵,从而释放渔获物。不认为与海豹接触会弄脏渔具。海豹似乎以拖网中的鳕鱼(Madhua morhua)和鳕鱼(Merluccius merluccius)为目标,似乎选择了更大的个体。 el鱼渔民强调了对鱼腹的损害,而拖网渔船则强调了对尾巴的损害。拖网渔船捕获的白鱼中有多达10%由于海豹损坏而无法出售。密封件造成的损坏很容易与其他试剂造成的损坏区分开。不仅应归咎于“流氓”个人印章。通常,任何一位渔民都可能遇到9至12个海豹(甚至有时多达25个),尤其是在拖曳渔具时。参加活动的拖网渔船中有一半的人认为海豹是对其生计的“相当大”或“中度”威胁,但45%的人认为海豹是“次要”或“非”问题。在过去的40年中,当地的灰海豹种群无疑增长了很多。百分之八十六的拖网渔民赞成某种海豹淘汰赛(反对者为14%),而百分之四十五的拖网渔民赞成将海豹数量减少一半。超过60%的回答者正在寻找更严格的印章数量削减措施,即超过70%。



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